Address: Department of City and Regional Planning, Room: 63, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

Phone: + 90 312 210 22 41

Fax: + 90 312 210 79 65 




B.Sc., CRP, Middle East Technical University (1994)

M.Sc., UPL, Middle East Technical University (1997)

Ph.D., University of Newcastle, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape (2003)

Taught Courses:

CRP201 Planning Studio III (2008-2009 and 2010-2014)

CRP202 Planning Studio IV (2008-2009 and 2010-2014)

CRP333 Urban Design Workshop I (2003-2009)

CRP333 Introduction to Urban Design (2010-present)

CRP401 Planning Studio VII (2003 and 2007)

CRP402 Planning Studio VIII (2003 and 2007)

CRP486 Urban Regeneration: Strategies, Policies, Organization and Design (2004-2006; 2014-present)

UD501 Urban Design Master Studio I (2009-2010; 2015-present)

UD502 Urban Design Master Studio II (2009-2010; 2015-present)

CP570 Thesis Seminar Fall 2004-2005 (2004-2005)

Research Interests:
Public space, urban regeneration, urban conservation, urban design, sustainable community development, walkability

Publications (INTERNATIONAL):

Journal Papers:

Akkar Ercan, M. (2016) 'Evolving' or 'lost' identity of a historic public space? The tale of Gençlik Park in Ankara. Journal of Urban Design. 1-24.

Akkar Ercan, M. & Z.S. Belge (2016) Daha yaşanabilir kentler için mikro ölçek bir yürünebilirlik modeli. METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture. 1-35. doi:10.4305/METU.JFA.2016.2.11

Akkar Ercan, M. & N.O. Memlük (2015) More inclusive than before?: The tale of a historic urban park in Ankara, Turkey. Urban Design International. 20(3), 195–221. doi:10.1057/udi.2015.5.

Akkar Ercan, M. (2011) Developing sustainable communities in historic neighbourhoods of Istanbul. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie. 102(2): 205-219.

Akkar Ercan, M. (2011) Challenges and conflicts in achieving sustainable communities in historic neighbourhoods of Istanbul. Habitat International. 35: 295-306.

Akkar Ercan, M. (2010) How to shape up conservation-led regeneration initiatives regarding community needs?. METU Journal of Faculty of Architecture. 27(1): 201-221

Akkar Ercan, M. (2010) Searching for a balance between community needs and conservation policies in historic neihgbourhoods of Istanbul. European Planning Studies. 18(5): 833-859

Akkar Ercan, M. (2007) Public spaces of post-industrial cities and their changing roles. METU Journal of Faculty of Architecture. 24(1): 115-137.

Akkar, M. (2005) The changing 'publicness' of contemporary public spaces: A case study of the Grey's Monument Area, Newcastle upon Tyne. Urban Design International. 10: 95-113.

Akkar, Z.M. (2005) Questioning the 'publicness' of public spaces in post-industrial cities. Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review. 16(11): 75-91.

Akkar, M. (2005) Questioning 'inclusivity' of public spaces in post-industrial cities: The case of Haymarket Bus Station, Newcastle upon Tyne. METU Journal of Faculty of Architecture. 22(2): 1-24.

Akkar, Z.M. (2004) Questioning the 'publicness' of public spaces in post-industrial cities (abstract). Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review. 16(1): 24.

Book and Chapter in a Book:

Akkar Ercan, M. (2013) Urban regeneration and sustainable community development in historic neighborhoods of Istanbul. The Routledge Companion to Urban Regeneration. M.E. Leary and J. McCarthy (eds.) Routledge: London. pp. 443-454. ISBN: 978-0-415-53904-3.

Akkar Ercan, M. (2010) Less or more public than before? Public space improvement in Newcastle city centre. Whose Public Space? International case studies in urban design and development. A. Madanipour (ed.). Routledge: London. pp. 21-51. ISBN: 978-0-415-55386-5.

Akkar Ercan, M. (2010) Creating sustainable communities in historical heritage sites: Istanbul's historic neighbourhoods. Conservation and the Eastern Mediterranean. C. Rozeik, A. Roy and D. Saunders (eds.) The International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works: London. pp. 237-242. ISBN: 0954816935.

Conference Papers:

Akkar Ercan, M. & Z.S. Belge (2016) A micro-scale assessment model of walkability for more sustainable cities. 24th IAPS Conference (The human being at home, work and leisure. Sustainable use and development of indoor and outdoor spaces in late modern everyday life). 27 June-1 July 2016, Lund, Sweeden. (oral presentation, abstract published in the book of abstracts)

Z.S. Belge & M. Akkar Ercan (2016) Walkability as an urban design strategy for revitalization of historic city centers. International Symposium: Designing Urban Design: Towards a Holistic Perspective. 4-6 October 2016. Ankara, Turkey (full paper), pp. 72-76.

Akkar Ercan, M. (2016) Searching for the roles of place-makers in valuing heritage: Cases from China. International Workshop and Networking Meeting (Underground cultural heritage as a driver for regeneration. Strengthening local and regional participation in European programs. 8-9 November 2016. Naples, National Research Council-Institute of Studies on Mediterranean Societies, Naples.

Akkar Ercan, M. (2015) Why reconfigurating identity of historic public spaces...? 2nd International Conference on Changing Cities: Spatial, Design, Landscape and Socio-economic dimensions. 22-26 June 2015, Porto Heli, Greece. pp. 1-10

Açmaz Özden, M. and M. Akkar Ercan (2014) Sustainable community assessment in a suburban residential neighbourhood. UPAD 2014 International Urban Planning, Architecture and Design Congress. (Urban Transformation: Economic, Social and Physical Aspects). 8-11 May 2014. Kocaeli University: Kocaeli.

Memlük, O. and M. Akkar Ercan (2013) Evolving 'inclusivity' of a historic urban park in the rapidly growing urbanscape of Ankara. Urban Affairs Association 43rd Annual Conference (Building the 21st century city) U.S.A

Memlük O. and M. Akkar Ercan (2013) From a public spine of a city to a high-speed inner-city artery: Discussing socio-spatial changes of Atatürk Boulevard in Ankara. Joint AESOP/ACSP Congress (Planning for resilient cities and regions). Ireland

Belge, Z.S. and M. Akkar Ercan (2013) Increasing walkability capacity for livable historic city centers: the case of Mersin. 'Liveable Cities: 25th International Building and Life Fair and Congress. 27-31 March 2013. TMMOB Chamber of Architects: Bursa. pp. 289-304.

Memlük, O. and M. Akkar Ercan (2012) Changing 'inclusivity' of an urban park in the ambivalent historic urbanscape of Ankara. Public Spaces – Urban Cultures Conference. 6-7 December 2012. Technical University of Lisbon: Lisbon.

Akkar Ercan, M., Ersoy, M., Gedikli, B., Altınöz Bilgin, G., Bilsel, C. (2012) Current challenges of managing urban heritage in Turkey. In the proceedings of AESOP 26th Annual Congress. 11-15 July 2012. METU: Ankara. pp. 1-17.

Akkar Ercan, M. (2010) Creating sustainable communities in historical heritage sites: Istanbul's historic neighbourhoods. In the proceedings of ICC 2010: Istanbul Congress (Conservation and the Eastern Mediterranean, eds. C. Rozeik, A. Roy, D. Saunders). İstanbul, Turkey. 20-24 September 2010. ICC: İstanbul. pp. 237-242.

Akkar Ercan, M (2010) How to achieve sustainable conservation in the historic housing neighbourhoods of Istanbul? In the proceedings of 14th International Planning History Society (IPHS) Conference. N. Zeren Gülersoy, H. Ayataç, A.B. Önem, T.K. Koramaz, Z. Günay, K.Y. Arslanlı, İ. Ayrancı (eds.) 12-15 July 2010. IPHS: İstanbul. pp. 265-275.

Akkar Ercan, M. (2010) Controversies, contrasts and challenges in achieving sustainable communities in historic housing sites of Istanbul. In the proceedings of 22nd European Network for Housing Research (Urban Dynamics and Housing Change). 4-7 July 2010. EHHR: İstanbul. pp. 1-12.

Akkar Ercan, M. (2010) Evolving roles of public spaces in post-industrial cities. In the proceedings of European November Conference 2010: Public Space and the Challenges of Urban Transformation in Europe: Politics and Culture. 10-11 November 2010. The Vienna University of Technology: Vienna. pp. 1-6.

Akkar Ercan, M. (2009) Community needs versus conservation policies in historic housing sites. In the proceedings of International Symposium jointly organized by IAPS-CSBE 'Culture & Space in the Built Environment Network' and IAPS-Housing Network (Revitalising Built Environments: Requalifying Old Places for New Uses). Istanbul, Turkey. 12-16 October, 2009. IAPS, CSBE: Turkey.

Licka, L. and M. Akkar Ercan (2009) Emerging, Remaining and Dismantling Borders in Urban Space and Planning: The cases of Hamburg and Vienna. In the proceedings of Borderscapes II - Another Brick in the Wall?. Trapani, Italy. 13-16 September, 2009. Universita di Palermo: Sicily.

Akkar Ercan, M. and L. Licka (2009) Borderlines in the regeneration of rejected urban spaces: The cases of Hamburg and Vienna. In the proceedings of ECLAS Conference (Landscape & Ruins Planning and Design for the Regeneration of Derelict Places; eds. A. Ghersi and F. Mazzino). Genoa, Italy. 23-27 September, 2009. ECLAS: Genoa. pp. 14-15.

Akkar Ercan, M. and S. Akkach (2009) How to balance the multiple roles of public spaces?. In the proceedings of Landcape-Great Idea! X-LArch III. (Landcape-Great Idea! X-LArch III; eds. L. Licka and E. Schwab), Vienna, Austria. 29 April-1 May, 2009. ILA-Institute of Landscape Architecture: Vienna. pp. 92-96.

Akkar, M. (2005) From 'market places' to 'place-marketing' spaces – Changing 'inclusivity' of evolving public spaces. In the proceedings of UIA 2005 Istanbul – XXII World Congress of Architecture (Cities: Grand Bazaar of ArchitectureS), Istanbul, Turkey, 3-7 July 2005. UIA: Istanbul.

Akkar, Z.M. (2004) New-generation public spaces – How 'inclusive' are they?. In the proceedings of Open Space: People Space Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 27-29 October 2004. The Hub: Edinburgh.

Akkar, M. (2003) Public spaces as means of city-marketing. World Congress: Cities & Markets, shifts in urban development. Call for Papers: Abstracts. Vienna, Austria, 5-8 October 2003. Vienna City Hall: Vienna. p. 3

Akkar, Z.M. (2003) Regenerating and marketing cities and their 'public' spaces: A British way. In the proceedings of the International Conference Public Arts and Urban Design, Interdisciplinary and Social Perspectives, Barcelona, Spain, 2-4 October 2003. MACBA: Barcelona. pp. 21-36.

Akkar, M. (2003) Public spaces in Britain as the tools of urban regeneration schemes. In the proceedings of International 14th Urban Design and Implementations Symposium (Urban Regeneration and Urban Design, ed. A. Karaman), Istanbul, Turkey, 28-30 May 2003. Mimar Sinan University: Istanbul. pp. 192-204

Publications (NATIONAL):

Journal Papers:

Akkar Ercan, M. (2016) Tarihi ve kültürel miras alanlarında devingen ve evrimsel bir yer kimliği kavramsallaştırması (A dynamic and evolving conceptualization of place identity in historic and cultural heritage sites). IDEALKENT. 7(20): 720-745.

Akkar Ercan, M. (2016) Endüstri-sonrası kentlerin değişen ve dönüşen kamusal mekanları. Planlama. 26(3): 193-203. | doi: 10.14744/planlama.2016.21931.

Akkar, M. (2013) Kamusal sanatın kamusallığı: Erişim, actor, fayda yaklaşımı (Publicness of public art: Access, actor, interest approach). IDEALKENT. 10: 220-255.

Akkar, M. (2006) Kentsel dönüşüm üzerine Batı'daki kavramlar, tanımlar, süreçler ve Türkiye (Concepts, definitions and processes on urban regeneration in the Western literature and Turkey). Planlama. 36: 29-38.

Akkar, M., S. Karaduman, O.D. Koçgil, and D. Yıldız (1995) Kent planlamasında kamu arazileri (Public lands in town planning). Planlama. 12: 44-47.

Akkar, M. (1996) Kuruluşundan bugüne Arsa Ofisi ('Land Office' from the time of its establishment to the present). Ada-Kentliyim. 8: 92-96.

Akkar, M. (1996) Türkiye'de arazi politikaları eşliğinde Arsa Ofisi (Land policies in Turkey and Arsa Ofisi). Belediyeler. 30: 27-35.

Akkar, M. (1996) Merkezin arsacısı, Arsa Ofisi Genel Müdürlüğü (The land-provider of the central government, 'Land Office'). Ada-Kentliyim. 6: 46-48.

Book and Chapter in a Book:

Akkar Ercan, M. (ed.) (2016) How to Value Heritage? What Are The Roles Of Place-Makers? Kecheng Liu: Heritage Conservation and Management Projects. METU Faculty of Architecture: Ankara. ISBN: 978-975-429-360-9.

Akkar Ercan, M., Barlas, A. (2016) Urban Design Beyond the Borders. Olgu Çalışkan (eds). Catalogue.01: METU MSC Urban Design Studio (1996-2016). METU Faculty of Architecture publication. Pelin Ofset: Ankara. pp.11-16.

Memlük, O. & Akkar Ercan, M. (2016) Bir kent bulvarından ana artere dönüşüm süreci: Atatürk Bulvarı örneği (The transformation process of an urban boulevard into an arterial road: The case of Ataturk Boulevard). İçinde: Seksen Sonrası Mekan ve Planlama. Aysu Uğurlar, Demet Erol, Ebru Vesile Öcalır Akünal, Fatma Erdoğanaras, Kübra Cihangir Çamur, Leyla Alkan, Nilgün Görer Tamer, Sevinç Bahar Yenigül, Ülkü Duman Yüksel, Zeynep Özdemir (eds.) Gazi Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi Şehir ve Bölge Planlama Bölümü: Ankara. 217-236. (ISBN: 978-975-507-283-8)

Akkar Ercan, M. (2016) How to value heritage? What are the roles of place-makers? The multiplicity of values in heritage. İçinde: How to Value Heritage? What Are The Roles Of Place-Makers? Kecheng Liu: Heritage Conservation and Management Projects. M. Akkar Ercan (ed.), METU Faculty of Architecture: Ankara. 11-15. (ISBN: 978-975-429-360-9)

Akkar Ercan, M. (2015) İstanbul'da tarihi mahallelerde sürdürülebilir topluluk gelişimi: stratejiler, çelişkiler ve çıkmazlar (Sustainable community development in the historic neighbourhoods of Istanbul: strategies, challenges and conflicts). Betül Duman ve İsmail Çoşkun (der) Neden, Nasıl ve Kim için Kentsel Dönüşüm (Urban Regeneration, Why, How and For Whom). Kadem Yayıncılık: İstanbul. pp. 401-430 (ISBN: 9786059925341)

Akkar Ercan, M. (2015) Kentsel dönüşüm, kültürel miras, kentsel çelişkiler ve gerilimler: Singapur deneyimi (Urban regeneration, cultural heritage, urban conflicts and tensions: Singapore experience). Betül Duman ve İsmail Çoşkun (der) Neden, Nasıl ve Kim için Kentsel Dönüşüm (Urban Regeneration, Why, How and For Whom). Kadem Yayıncılık: İstanbul. pp. 197-226 (ISBN: 9786059925341)

Akkar Ercan, M. (2012) Kamusal mekan (public space). Melih Ersoy (ed.) Kentsel Planlama: Ansiklopedik Sözlük. Ninova Yayıncılık. pp. 175-178.

Akkar Ercan, M. (2012) Kentsel dönüşüm (urban transformation). Melih Ersoy (ed.) Kentsel Planlama: Ansiklopedik Sözlük. Ninova Yayıncılık. pp. 223-225.

Akkar Ercan, M. (2012) Sürdürülebilir topluluk (sustainable community). Melih Ersoy (ed.) Kentsel Planlama: Ansiklopedik Sözlük. Ninova Yayıncılık. pp. 410-413.

Akkar Ercan, M. (2009) Kentsel dönüşümde yeni bir planlama yaklaşımı: 'Topluluk ihtiyacı odaklı planlama' (A new planning approach in urban regeneration: A focus on community needs). Gecekondu, Dönüşüm, Kent. S. Kayasü, O. Işık, N. Uzun, E. Kamacı (eds.) ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi: Ankara. pp. 163-175.

Conference Papers:

Akkar Ercan, M. Tarihi mahallelerde kentsel dönüşüm ve sürdürülebilir topluluk gelişimi. (Sustainable community development and urban regeneration in historic neighbourhoods). Kentsel ve Bölgesel Araştırmalar 2. Sempozyumu (Planlamanın Dünü, Bugünü, Yarını: Planlamada Yeni Söylem Arayışları). A. Eraydın, A. Türkün, E. Babalık, B. Gedikli, N. Uzun, T. Tasan, B. Armatlı Köroğlu, B. Beyhan, G. Özatağan, T. Köroğlu, M. Gürçay, E. Orhan, E. Peker, B. Serin, S. Sertesen (der.), 8-9 Aralık 2011. ODTÜ: Ankara. pp. 399-410.

Akkar, M. and Gedikli, B. (2007) Bolonya Bildirgesi ve ODTÜ Şehir ve Bölge Planlama Bölümü eğitim programı (The Bologna Agreement and the planning education of the Department of City and Regional Planning at METU). Türkiye Planlama Okulları Birliği 2. Koordinasyon Toplantısı Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Buluşması (The METU Congregation of the 2nd Coordination Meeting of National Association of Planning Schools in Turkey). 6-7 July 2006, Ankara: TMMOB Şehir Plancıları Odası. 169-186.

Akkar, M. (1997) Kent planlamada kamu arazileri [Public lands in town planning]. In the proceedings of the Symposium of Özelleştirme ve Kamu Arazileri [Privatization and Public Lands], S. Karaduman, G. Kubin (ed.). Ankara, April 27, 1995. TMMOB Şehir Plancılari Odası: Ankara. 27-33

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