Olgu ÇALIŞKAN, Doç. Dr. (Böl. Bşk. Yrd.)
Address: Department of City and Regional Planning, Room: 52-B, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Phone: +90 312 210 42 30
Fax: +90 312 210 79 65
E-Mail: olgu@metu.edu.tr
URL: https://metu.academia.edu/OlguCaliskan
PhD Urbanism
Delft University of Technology (2013)
MSc Urban Design
Middle East Technical University (2004)
BCP City and Regional Planning
Middle East Technical University (2001)
Research Interests: Physical planning and design, urban morphology, urban design theory and method, design thinking in urbanism, generative urbanism
Taught Courses
CRP101 Basic Design and Planning Studio I
CRP102 Basic Design and Planning Studio II
UD501 Urban Design Studio I
UD501 Urban Design Studio II
UD555 Parametric Urban Design I
UD556 Parametric Urban Design II
CRP214 Creative Thinking for Planners
CRP355 Collective Housing Planning and Design
Urban Compactness: A Study of Ankara Urban Form, 2009, Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KGV
Book Chapters
Exploring the Temporal Dimension of Urban Design Thinking, in The Routledge Handbook of Urban Design Research Methods, (Eds.) H. Kamalipour, P. Aelbrecht, N. Peimani, Routledge: New York and Oxon (with E. Stolk)
Pattern Formation in Planned Urban Peripheries: A Typomorphological Approach for Design, URBANISM PhD Research 2008-2010 (ed. F. D. van der Hoeven) , IOS Press BV: the Netherlands, 2009, pp. 40-63
Nanos Gigantum Humeris Insidentes: The New Challenges for Future, CATALOUGUE.01: METU Master of Urban Design 1996-2016 (ed. O. Caliskan), October 2016, METU Faculty of Architecture (with D. Cihanger), pp. 29-41
Edited Books
Üretken Kentler İçin: ENDÜSTRİ, MEKANSAL PLANLAMA ve TASARIM | INDUSTRY, SPATIAL PLANNING and DESIGN for Productive Cities , November 2023, İdealkent Yayınları: Ankara, (with E. Çağlar)
Çatışma, Planlama ve Tasarım | Conflict, Planning and Design, 2018, METU Faculty of Architecture
Designing Urban Design: Towards a Holistic Perspective [METUDSYMP2016 Proceedings], November 2017, METU Faculty of Architecture (with E. Efeoğlu)
CATALOUGUE.01: METU Master of Urban Design 1996-2016, October 2016, METU Faculty of Architecture
Edited Journals
Urban Form and Liveability, Built Environment 48(3), October 2022, (with E. Şevik)
Urban Morphology and Design, Built Environment 37(4), December 2011, (with S. Marshall)
Journal Papers
Typological diversity and morphological continuity in the modern residential fabric: the case of Ankara, Turkey, Habitat International, 2023, forthcoming. (with N. Parlak Temizel, M. Akay, B. Mashhoodi). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2023.102950
Urban Form and Liveability: Towards a Socio-Morphological Perspective, Built Environment 48(3), 2022, pp. 301-316 (with E. Şevik). DOI: https://doi.org/10.2148/benv.48.3.301
Coexistence in Space: Stimulating Encounter in the Socially Fragmented Open Urban Fabrics, Built Environment 48(3), 2022, pp. 364-392 (with E. Şevik). DOI: https://doi.org/10.2148/benv.48.3.364
Morphological indicators of the building fabric: Towards a Metric Typomorphology, Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability, 2022, (with B. Mashhoodi and M. Akay). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/17549175.2022.2123381
Pluralist Production of Urban Form: Towards A Parametric Development Control for Unity in Diversity, Journal of Urban Design 27(5), 2022, 563-588 (with Y.B. Barut). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/13574809.2022.2050892
Parametric Urban Design Thinking: Shared Patterns in Design by Algorithm and Design by Drawing, Journal of Planning Education and Research, 2021, (with Y. B. Barut and G.Ongun). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0739456X211053653
Mural As Public Art in Urban Fabric: An Attempt to Link Configurational Approach to Perceptual Morphology, Journal of Design for Resilience in Architecture and Planning 2 (Special Issue), 147–170, 2021 (with C. Demir Türközü). DOI: https://doi.org/10.47818/DRArch.2021.v2si040
Imagineering: A Model Approach for Futuristic Design Thinking in Urbanism, Urban Design and Planning 173(1), 2020, pp. 16–33 (with O. Tümtürk and I. Yavuz). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1680/jurdp.18.00058
Designing the Heterotopia: From Social Ideology to Spatial Morphology, Urban Design International 25, 2020, pp. 30–52 (with D. Cihanger Ribeiro and O. Tümtürk). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1057/s41289-019-00101-w
Parametric Design in Urbanism: A Critical Reflection, Planning Practice and Research, 32(4), 2017, pp. 417-443. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/02697459.2017.1378862
Urban Coherence: A Morphological Definition, Urban Morphology, 21(2), 2017, pp. 123–41. DOI: https://doi.org/10.51347/jum.v21i2.4065
How Urban Designers Perform: An International Perspective On Actual Practice, METU Journal of Faculty of Architecture (32:1), 2015/1, pp. 229-259. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4305/metu.jfa.2015.1.12
Design Thinking in Urbanism: Learning from the Designers, Urban Design International 17, Winter 2012, pp. 272-296. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1057/udi.2012.21
Motionscape: The Image of Space in Motion (An Attempt at Conceptualization in the Case of Ankara), Journal of Architectural and Planning Research 28(4), Winter 2011, pp. 314-35. https://www.jstor.org/stable/43030950
Urban Morphology and Design: Introduction, Built Environment 37(4), December 2011, (with S. Marshall), pp. 381-92. https://www.jstor.org/stable/23290028
A Joint Framework for Urban Morphology and Design, Built Environment 37(4), December 2011, (with S. Marshall), pp. 409-26. https://www.jstor.org/stable/23290030
Urban Gateway: Just a symbol, or more? (Re-appraising an Old Idea in the Case of Ankara), Journal of Urban Design15, Number 1, February 2010, pp. 91-122. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/13574800903424226
Changing Perspectives on the Planning of Ankara (1924-2007) and Lessons for a New Master-Planning Approach to Developing Cities, FOOTPRINT Delft School of Design Journal 5, Autumn 2009, pp. 23-53. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7480/footprint.3.2.708
Virtual Space as a Public Sphere: Rethinking the Political and Professional Agenda of Spatial Planning and Design, (2006) METU Journal of Faculty of Architecture 23(2.), pp. 1-20, with Adnan Barlas. http://jfa.arch.metu.edu.tr/archive/0258-5316/2006/cilt23/sayi_2/1_20.pdf
Book Reviews
Grand Urban Rules (by A. Lehnerer, 2009) Journal of Urban Design, 2012, Vol. 17 No. 1, pp. 160-61
Urban Paleontology: Evolution of Urban Forms (by M. Tang, D. Yang, 2008), Urban Morphology, 2010, Vol. 14 No.1, pp. 75-76
Conference Papers
Rethinking on the Peripheral Urban Formations in a Semi-Peripheral Country: the City of Ankara, the Capital of Turkey, the 4th International Seminar on Urbanism and Urbanization The European Tradition in Urbanism and its Future, 24-26 September 2007, TU Delft: the Netherlands, pp. 223-231
Membership of Editorial Boards
Urban Design and Planning
Built Environment
METU Journal of The Faculty of Architecture
Thesis Supervision
Demirezen, S. (2023) Morphology in design: utilization and (re)production of morphological knowledge through urban design competitions, MSc Thesis, METU: Ankara
Tufan, A. (2022) Mapping in urbanism: the role of maps and mapping in urban design thinking, MSc Thesis, METU: Ankara
Sönmez, B. (2022) Collage in urban design: a critical review of design thinking, MSc Thesis, METU: Ankara
Falak, H. (2022) Urban collision: an analysis of the built form in the case of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, Pakistan, MSc Thesis, METU: Ankara
Shurdhi, S. (2022) Coherency of urban space: analyzing the street environments, MSc Thesis, METU: Ankara
Cengu, S. (2021) Visibility-based assessment of urban form: an alternative perspective for the residential development in urban peripheries, MSc Thesis, Bilkent University: Ankara (with Assoc. Prof. Dr. B. Batuman)
Kar, Z.E. (2021) A generative typology for critical regionalism: an urban design perspective, MSc Thesis, METU: Ankara
İnce, B. (2021) Urban stigma: A morphological investigation of the marginality in the city, MSc Thesis, METU: Ankara
Demir, C. (2019) Public art in urban space: the case of Yeldeğirmeni, İstanbul, MSc Thesis, METU: Ankara
Koçer, Ç. (2019) Scale in urban design: the notion of scale in spatial design thinking, MSc Thesis, METU: Ankara
Akay, M. (2019) Algorithmic design control for plot–based urbanism: a model proposal in Turkish spatial planning context, MSc Thesis, METU: Ankara
Arslanoğlu, U. (2019) The role of spatial designer in the prestigious housing projects: the case of Ankara, MSc Thesis, METU: Ankara
Abbasi, M. (2019) Social implications of the modernist urbanism: Islamabad master plan by Doxiadis, MSc Thesis, METU: Ankara
Sakar, B. (2018) Parametric modelling for the mitigation of urban heat island effect: a model proposal, MSc Thesis, METU: Ankara
Erkan, R. (2018) Design problematique of paired border cities, MSc Thesis, METU: Ankara
Şevik, E. (2018) Territoriality of heterotopia: threshold as a condition of heterotopian space in the case of Emek district, Bursa, MSc Thesis, METU: Ankara
Efeoğlu, H. E. (2018) Futurist thinking in urbanısm: a retrospective & prospective view in the global context of transforming socio-economic structures, MSc Thesis, METU: Ankara
Tümtürk, O. (2018) Designing (with) complexity: improving adaptıve capacity of urban form by design, MSc Thesis, METU: Ankara
İplikçi, E. (2018) Moving-image as a means of reading the rhythms in the urban scene: the case of ‘city symphonies’, MSc Thesis, METU: Ankara (with Prof. Dr. Bahar Gedikli)
Akman, S. D. (2017) `Parametric landscape urbanism`: a model proposal for operational framework, MSc Thesis, METU: Ankara