Address: Department of City and Regional Planning, Room: 42, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey






PhD            Real Estate and Planning

                   University of Reading, UK (2016)

MSc           Urban Design

                   Middle East Technical University (2010)

BSc            City and Regional Planning

                   Middle East Technical University (2007)

BSc            Planning and Landscape

                   University of Manchester, UK (visiting, 2005 – 2006)


Research Interests: Climate responsive design and urbanism, thermal comfort and built environment, campus design, participatory planning and design, governance of climate action, water management


Research Appointments

2021 – ongoing         Honorary Research Fellow

                                     British Institute at Ankara 

2020 – 2022              Post-doctoral Research Fellow

                                     British Institute at Ankara

2018 – 2019              Mercator-IPC Research Fellow

                                     Istanbul Policy Center – Sabancı University

2019                            Visiting Research Fellow

                                     Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space, Germany

2017 – 2018              Post-doctoral Researcher

                                     City and Regional Planning, Middle East Technical University

2016 – 2017              Post-doctoral Research Fellow

                                     British Institute at Ankara

2011                            Visiting Research Associate

                                     Urban Design Group, Oxford Brookes University, UK

2010-2014                  Research Assistant

                                     City and Regional Planning, Middle East Technical University


Taught Courses


CRP101 Basic Design Studio I

CRP102 Basic Design Studio II

CRP 509 Introduction to Research Methods and Ethics in Planning and Design

CP570 Thesis Seminar



CRP401 Planning Studio VII (Çankaya University)

ARCH405 Professional Law (Özyeğin University)

CRP1002 Basic Design Studio II (Gazi University)

CRP453 Participatory Design and Planning (METU)



Books & Book Chapters

Peker, E. & Ataöv, A. (2021). Governance of Climate Responsive Cities: Scale Matters! In E. Peker & A. Ataöv (Eds.) Governance of Climate Responsive Cities (pp. 1-8). Springer, Cham.

Peker, E. & Ataöv, A. (2021). Barriers to Implementing Local Climate Action Plans in Turkey: Searching for a Potential Way Out. In E. Peker & A. Ataöv (Eds.) Governance of Climate Responsive Cities (pp. 21-42). Springer, Cham.

Ataöv, A. & Peker, E. (2021). Co-designing local climate action: A methodological framework from a democratic perspective. In E. Peker & A. Ataöv (Eds.) Governance of Climate Responsive Cities (pp. 147-164). Springer, Cham.

Peker, E. & Ataöv, A. (2020). Local climate action planning: A guidebook for local authorities/ Belediyeler için İklim Değişikliği Rehberi. Institute of Urban Studies: Ankara.

Ataöv, A. & Peker, E. (2020). Children and Environmental Design: A Guidebook for Local Authorities / Belediyeler için Çocuk ve Çevre Tasarım Rehberi. Institute of Urban Studies: Ankara.

Peker, E. (2011). Değişen İklim Koşullarına Uygun Mekan Üretiminde Klimatolojinin Yeri, A. Eraydın et al. (eds.) Planlamanın Dünü, Bugünü, Yarını: Planlamada Yeni Söylem Arayışları (pp. 525-535). Ankara.  


Edited Books

Governance of Climate Responsive Cities: Exploring Cross-Scale Dynamics (2021). Springer, Cham.

Production of Climate Responsive Urban Built Environments (2019), Istanbul Policy Center, Istanbul. 


Refereed Journal Articles

Peker, E., & İlhan, A. (2023). Catalysing the realisation of rainwater harvesting systems through participatory action research. Habitat International140, 102927.

Peker, E. (2023). Enabling widespread use of rainwater harvesting (RWH) systems: challenges and needs in twenty-first-century Istanbul. European Planning Studies, 31(1), 103-122.

Peker, E. (2022). Exploring locally-emerged design solutions for thermal comfort: A socio-technical assessment, Open House International. . Vol.47(3): 549-570.

Peker, E. & Orhan, E. (2021). A holistic approach to earthquake risk and climate crisis in spatial planning / Mekânsal planlamada deprem riski ve iklim krizini birlikte ele almak. Journal of Planning 31(2): 288-301.

Peker, E. (2021). An urbanism challenge: Provision of thermal comfort in changing climate / Bir şehircilik problemi: Değişen iklimde termal konforu sağlamak. Journal of Planning 31(1), pp. 106-119.

Peker, E. (2020). Rethinking the production of urban built environments in the face of climate change, Urban Research and Practice, Volume 13 (4), pp. 465-471.

Peker, E. & Ataöv, A. (2019). Exploring the ways in which campus open space design influence students’ learning experiences, Landscape Research, Volume 45 (3), 310-326.

Caruso, N.; Hammami, F.; Peker, E. & Ugur, L. (2016). Differences and connections: Beyond universal theories in planning, urban and heritage studies, Urban Research & Practice, Volume 9 (2), pp. 219-224.

Caruso, N.; Hammami, F.; Peker, E.; Tulumello, S. & Ugur, L. (2014). Cities that talk: urban resistance as challenges for urban planning, Urban Research & Practice, Volume 7 (3), pp. 354-358.


Non-refereed Articles   

Peker, E. (2023). Sürdürülebilir Kentler için Kolektif Eylem ve Demokratik Katılım İhtiyacı, EKOIQ, Vol. 106, pp.44-46.

Crapper, M., Monteleone, M., Crow J., Özkan Aygün Ç., İlhan, A., Vandeput, L. & Peker, E. (2022). The water management infrastructure of Istanbul, Heritage Turkey, Vol.12, pp.25-27.

Peker, E. (2022). İklim Adaleti Mücadelesinde Kentsel Planlamanın Rolü, Beyond.İstanbul 13, pp.55-60.  

Peker, E. (2021). Sıcak dalgalarıyla mücadelede kentsel müdahaleler, Yeniden Akdeniz: Ekoloji. Vol.2. pp. 27-31.

Peker, E., Ataöv, A., Özkavaf, S., Motta, D. & Massa, M. (2021). Searching for pathways of sustainable water management on the Konya plain, Heritage Turkey, Vol.11, pp. 22-23.

Crapper, M., Crow, J., Özkan-Aygün, Ç., Peker, E., Vandeput, L. & Weeds, M. (2021). Water in Istanbul: Rising to the Challenge?, Heritage Turkey, Vol.11, pp.18-19.

Peker, E. (2020). Urban water management in Istanbul: Exploring the challenges in the face of climate change, Heritage Turkey, Volume 10, p.29.

Peker, E. & Orhan, E. (2020). İklim krizi ve deprem riskleri karşısında kentler: Yerel yönetimler için bütünleşik politikalar, Politika Notu, İstanbul Politikalar Merkezi.  

Serin, B. & Peker, E. (2019). Retrofitting existing housing stock to achieve CO2 reduction targets, Heritage Turkey, Volume 9, pp. 23-24.

Peker, E. & Aydin, C. I. (2019). Değişen iklimde kentler: Yerel yönetimler için azaltım ve uyum politikaları, Politika Notu, İstanbul Politikalar Merkezi. 

Peker, E. (2017). A participatory analysis workshop: Bringing stakeholders together to identify major urban problem areas in Rize, Heritage Turkey, Volume 7, pp. 23-24.

Peker, E. & Serin, B. (2011). Urban Project for the Historical National Park of Tory and the Environs. In O. Çalışkan (Ed.) Catalogue.01 METU Master of Urban Design, METU Faculty of Architecture: Ankara, pp. 128-133.

Peker, E. (2015). Understanding the challenges of introducing climate responsive urban development in the city of Mardin, Heritage Turkey, Volume 5, p.7.

Peker, E. (2014). Learning from the Past: Exploring the clues of climate responsiveness in the vernacular urban pattern of Mardin, Heritage Turkey, Volume 4, pp. 7-8.


Conference Proceedings

Peker, E. (2023). Overcoming the challenges of municipal-level climate action: The case of Turkey. Annual AESOP CONGRESS, 11-15 July, Lodz, Poland.

İlhan, A. & Peker, E. (2023). Current Water Management in İstanbul: Challenges and Opportunities. Water In Istanbul and Beyond: Past, Present, Future Conference, 14 March., İstanbul, Turkey.

Peker, E. & Ilhan, A. (2022). From Intention to Action: Realization of Rainwater Harvesting Systems in Buildings, 6th International Journal of Action Research (IJAR) Symposium, 12 Oct., İstanbul, Turkey.  

Serin, B. & Peker, E. (2021). Retrofitting existing housing to tackle with climate emergency: A comparative research on Turkey and Scotland. RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021. 31 Aug - 03 Sep, Online.

Peker, E. & Orhan, E. (2020). A holistic approach to earthquake risk and climate crisis in spatial planning, The 7th Annual Symposium of Urban and Regional Research Network, Online.

Peker, E. (2019). Urban Water Management as a Part of Climate Responsive Urbanism, BIRI Water Management Workshop, 30/09 – 01/10 2019, The British Institute at Ankara, Turkey.

Peker, E. (2015). Translating Climatic Knowledge into Urban Development Practice via Climate-Responsive Urban Design, Beyond Special Circumstances: Turkey and Global Climate Change Politics, 16-17 April, Istanbul, Turkey.

Peker, E. (2015). Learning from Urban Heritage: Looking for clues of climate responsiveness in the vernacular urban pattern of Mardin, Turkey, 1st International Climate Change and Sustainable Heritage Conference, Graz, Austria.

Peker, E. (2014). Re-evaluating the Notion of Public Sphere within the Rise of Cyberspace, 28th Annual AESOP CONGRESS, Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Ataov, A., Peker, E., Cihanger, D. & Erkal. F. (2014). Challenges and Solutions in Planning Education Ways of Collaboration?, Round Table, 28th Annual AESOP CONGRESS, Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Peker, E. (2013). Integrating Socio-ecological Values into Climate Responsive Urban Design, 27th Annual AESOP CONGRESS, Dublin, Ireland.

Peker, E. (2012). People's Responses to Climate Change: Awareness and Motivation of People on the Process of Creating Sustainable Urban Places, 26th Annual AESOP CONGRESS, Ankara, Turkey.

Peker, E. (2012). Changing Energy-Based Consumption Patterns via creating climatically and socio-culturally responsive urban spaces, AESOP Young Academics Conference, Reading, England.

Peker, E. (2011). How does campus open space design affect students' learning experiences? International Open Space Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland.


Invited Lectures & Talks

Guest Speaker - 2023        Rainwater harvesting in Turkey, Radio Broadcast by Open Radio (Açık Radyo 94.9), Istanbul, Turkey

Guest Speaker - 2022        Challenges of climate action in municipalities, The Conference of Mayors – Republican People's Party, organized by Karşıyaka Municipality

Guest Speaker - 2021        Cities in the face of earthquake risks and climate crises, YouTube Broadcast by Medyascope

Guest Speaker - 2021        Re-evaluating water heritage in line with the contemporary needs, Cultural Heritage Technologies for Sustainable Cities Workshop organized by the Netherlands Institute in Turkey (NIT)

Guest Speaker - 2020        Cities and health in the face of heat waves, YouTube Broadcast by Medyascope

Guest Lecturer - 2020        Spatial planning and climate change, Training program for local municipalities organized by Yereliz Association, İstanbul

Guest Speaker - 2020        Urban heritage site as an open lab: Exploring the clues of climate responsive design in Mardin, PROT3CT workshop organized by UCL & METU

Guest Speaker - 2019        Transportation planning in climate responsive cities, Transportation Congress organized by the Metropolitan Municipality of İstanbul

Guest Speaker - 2019        Designing cities in the face of climate change, Urban Disasters Workshop organized by the Metropolitan Municipality of İstanbul

Guest Speaker - 2019        The role of local authorities in local climate action, Radio Broadcast by Open Radio (Açık Radyo 94.9), Istanbul

Guest Panellist - 2019        Designing the future cities in the City life in the climate change era panel organized by Bilgi University, Turkey

Public Lecture - 2019         Challenges of implementing municipal level climate change action plans: The case of Turkey, organized by Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space

Guest Speaker - 2019        Production of climate responsive urban built environments, Radio Broadcast by Open Radio (Açık Radyo 94.9), Istanbul

Guest Lecturer - 2019        Cities in the face of climate change: Adaptation and mitigation strategies, organized by the Foundation for the Protection and Promotion of the Environment and Cultural Heritage (ÇEKÜL)

Guest Lecturer - 2019        Climate change and cities, Summer School organized by the Center for Spatial Justice, Istanbul

Keynote Speaker - 2019    Designing climate responsive cities, International Water Storage Workshop organized by the General Consulate of the Netherlands

Guest Lecturer - 2018        Climate and urbanization, Department of City and Regional Planning, Istanbul Technical University

Guest Lecturer - 2018        Conducting research on open space: methods & techniques, Department of City and Regional Planning, Istanbul Technical University

Guest Panellist - 2017       The significance of local knowledge in climate responsive urban design in the Place, Localism and Memory panel of Çankaya University

Public Lecture - 2016         Urban heritage site as an open lab, public lecture organized by the British Institute at Ankara

Guest Lecturer - 2014        Turkish Planning System and Heritage Conservation for Comparative International Planning Studies, University of Reading

Guest Lecturer - 2013        Regeneration Politics: Taksim Square, University of Reading


Organized Conferences & Workshops

The 2nd Climate Responsive Urbanism Conference: Unpacking Water & Energy in Cities, Online (2020)

The 7th Symposium of Urban and Regional Research Network, Online (2020)

Production of Climate Responsive Urban Built Environments, 22-24 May 2019, Istanbul, Turkey (2019)

The 9th AESOP YA Annual Conference, Differences and Connections, Palermo, Italy (2015)

The 6th Symposium of Urban and Regional Research Network, İzmir, Turkey (2015)

The 8th AESOP YA Annual Conference, Cities that Talk, Gothenburg, Sweden (2014)

AESOP PhD Workshop 2014, Delft, the Netherlands (2014)

The 5th Symposium of Urban and Regional Research Network, Ankara, Turkey (2014)

AESOP PhD Workshop 2013, Belfast, Northern Ireland (2013)

The 4th Symposium of Urban and Regional Research Network, Mersin, Turkey (2013)

The 3th Symposium of Urban and Regional Research Network, Ankara, Turkey (2012)

The 2th Symposium of Urban and Regional Research Network, Ankara, Turkey (2011)

The 1st Research Conference of Urban and Regional Research Network, Ankara, Turkey (2010)


Research Grants

Rainwater Harvesting for Climate Change Adaptation: Training Programme for Municipalities, funded by the UK International Development Program. [Co-] (2023 – 2024)

Local efforts for climate change adaptation with limited resources: the Case of Kadıköy, Istanbul, funded by the British Institute at Ankara. [PI] (2022 – 2023) 

Water in Istanbul: Rising to the Challenge?, funded by the British Academy. [Co-I] (2021 – 2023) 

Fragile Landscapes: Past, Present and Future of Sustainable Water Management on the Konya Plain, funded by the British Academy. [Co-I] (2021 – 2023) 

Exploring the contemporary challenges of water management in the face of climate change, funded by the British Institute at Ankara. [Co-I] (2020 – 2021) 

Searching for pathways of sustainable water management in the Konya Plain, Turkey, funded by the British Institute at Ankara. [Co-I] (2020 – 2021) 

Exploring the challenges of retrofitting: Achieving CO2 reduction targets in existing building stock, funded by the British Institute at Ankara. [Co-I] (2019 – 2020) 

From Intention to Action: Producing Actionable Knowledge to Achieve Climate Responsive Urban Development in Turkey, funded by Mercator-IPC Fellowship Programme. (2018 – 2019) 

Generating local-specific knowledge for the sustainable future development of Rize, funded by the British Institute at Ankara. [PI] (2017 – 2018) 

Challenges of Climate Responsive Urban Design in the Context of Black Sea Climate, funded by the British Institute at Ankara. [PI] (2016 – 2017) 

Communicating Planning Authorities: Understanding the Challenges of Introducing Climate Responsive Urban Development in the city of Mardin, funded by the "Strategic Research Initiatives" of BIAA. (2015 – 2016) 

Exploring the climatically and socio-ecologically responsive urban built environment in the vernacular settlement of Mardin, funded by the "Strategic Research Initiatives" of BIAA. (2014 – 2015) 



Visiting Fellowship, Leibniz Institute for Research on Society and Space (2019)

Mercator-IPC Fellowship (2018)

Finalist at the "3 Minutes Thesis Competition", University of Reading, UK (2016)

Çanakkale Green Urban Design Competition, Honourable Mention Award (along with Acar, Y., Cihanger, D., Kaygusuz, E. & Kulözü, N.) (2013)

School of Real Estate and Planning PhD Studentship, University of Reading, UK (2012)

AESOP Excellence in Teaching Award (along with Ataöv, A., Cihanger, D. & Erkal, F.) (2012) 

Visiting Fellowship, Oxford Brookes University, UK (2011)

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