Serap KAYASÜ, Prof. Dr. (Chair)
- English
- Türkçe
Address: Department of City and Regional Planning, Room: 74 & 72, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Phone: + 90 312 210 22 26
Fax: + 90 312 210 79 65
B.Sc., CP, Middle East Technical University
M.A., University of Waterloo
Ph.D., Middle East Technical University
Taught Courses:
CRP401 Planning Studio VII
CRP402 Planning Studio VIII
CRP466 Labour Dynamics in Global Restructuring Processes
CRP485 Gender Issues in Urban and Regional Planning
CRP556 Urban and Regional Transformation in the Global Age: Policy and Planning
CRP488 Institutional Aspects of Urban and Regional Planning
CP501 Planning Studio I
CP502 Planning Studio II
Research interests: Institutional Aspects of Urban and Regional Development; Urban and Regional Policy; Women and Space Interaction; Women in the City
Selected Publications:
Kayasü, S. 'Conceptualizations of the Region in the Global Context: A New Agenda for Planning?' Urban, Regional and Environmental Planning and Informatics to Planning in an Era of Transition Conference Proceedings, Athens, pp. 271-83, 1997
Kayasü, S. ‘Değişen ‘Dünya Düzen’leri, Değişen ‘Kadın’lar: Toplumsal Cinsiyetin ‘Değişen’ İçeriği’, (Changing World Orders Changing Women: Changing Context of Gender), Toplum ve Bilim, 1998, 75: 170-179
Kayasü, S. ‘Planning in the Age of Globalization’, Ekistics, Vol: 63, No: 382/383/384, Jan/June 97, 1999: 144-147.
Kayasü, S. ‘Kadın ve Mekan Etkileşimi’(Interaction of Women and Space), içinde Mimarlık ve Kadın Kimliği, İstanbul: Arredamento 2, 2002: 101-105
Kayasü, S. 'Reconceptualization of Region and Regional Economic Development: Regional Development Agencies', Tenth National Regional Science/Regional Planning Conference Proceedings, pp. 69-80, Istanbul, 2002 (with Yasar, S.S.)
Kayasü, S. ‘Değişen Planlama Paradigması ve Kurumsallaşma Üzerine’ (On the Changing Planning Paradigm and Institutionalization), Planlama, 2002(4): 52-56.
Kayasü, S.; Pınarcıoğlu, M., Yasar, S. S. and Dere, S. Yerel/Bölgesel Ekonomik Kalkınma ve Rekabet Gücünün Artırılması: Bölgesel Kalkınma Ajansları (Local/Regional Economic Development and Competitive Capacity: Regional Development Agencies), İstanbul Chamber of Commerce, Publication No: 2003-8, 2003.
Kayasü, S. ‘Kadınların Kentleri, Kentlerin Kadınları’ (Cities of Women, Women of Cities), in Dostoğlu, N.T. (eds.) Cumhuriyet Döneminde Kadın ve Mimarlık , Chamber of Architects Publications, 2005: 21-28.
Kayasü, S. ‘Ankara İmar Planlarının Açık ve Yeşil Alan Yaklaşımları’(Approaches to Open and Green Areas in Ankara Plans) in Şenyapılı, T. (ed.) Cumhuriyet’in Ankara’sı, METU Publications, 2005: 172-182.
Kayasü, S. ‘Kentsel ve Bölgesel Gelişme ve Planlama: Yeni Kurumsalcı Yaklaşım’ (Urban and Regional Development and Planning: New Institutionalist Perspective) in Eraydın, A. (ed.) Değişen Mekan, Ankara: Dost, 2006: 280-288.
Kayasü, S. 'Afet Yönetiminin Kurumsallaşmasında Sivil Toplum Kuruluşlarının Rolü’(The Role of Non-Profit Organizations in the Institutionalization of Risk Management) in Erkan, N.E.; Güner, A.; Demeter, K. (eds.) Afet Risk Yönetimi Risk Azaltma ve Yerel Yönetimler, Marmara University and the World Bank, 2007: 65-74.
Kayasü, S.; Yaşar, S.S. ‘Avrupa Birliği’ne Üyelik Sürecinde Bölgesel Kalkınma Politikaları’(Regional Development Policies on the Road to EU membership), in Kayasü, S. and Haşar, Ç. (eds.) Bölgesel Kalkınma ve Yönetişim (Regional Development and Governance), METU Faculty of Architecture Publications, 2007: 199-213.
Kayasü, S.; Lagendijk, A. and Yasar, S. ‘ The Role of Regional Development Agencies in Turkey: From Implementing EU Directives to Supporting Regional Business Communities’, European Urban and Regional Studies, 2009, 16(4): 383-396.
Kayasü, S.; Uzun, N. ‘Kentsel Dönüşüm/Kentsel Yenileş(tir)me Kavramlarına Genel Bir Bakış’ (A General Look at the Concepts of Urban Regeneration) in Kayasü, S.; Işık, O.; Uzun, N. and Kamacı, E. (eds.) Gecekondu, Dönüşüm, Kent (Squatter Settlements, Transformation and the City), 2009: 151-162.
Kayasü, S.; Eldeniz,F. ‘Institutional Performance of Izmir Development Agency’, METU Faculty of Architecture Journal, 2013, 30(1): 57-78.
Current Research:
Project Director of Turkey Section- Practices and Policies for Neighbourhood Improvement: ‘Towards Gentrification 2.0’ JPI Urban Europe (EU) 2012 438-12-425 ; TÜBİTAK ARDEB 113 K 026.
University of Waterloo Graduate Scholarship and Award for Outstanding Performance, 1984-1988
Peace Scholarship for Women, 1985-1986