
In the past years, the Department of City and Regional Planning started to take place actively in ERASMUS student and staff exchange programs. Currently, the Department has an ERASMUS student and staff exchange agreement with;

Faculty of Spatial Planning in University of Dortmund, Germany;
Town, Environment, and Technology in Technical University of Hamburg - Harburg, Germany;
Faculty of Architecture in Siegen University, Germany;
School of Environment and Development in University of Manchester, UK;
School of Architecture in Politecnico di Milano, Italy;
Department of Sociology in University of Milano-Bicocca (For post-graduate students only), Italy;
Department of Urban and Regional Planning in Technical University of Vienna (For post-graduate students only), Austria.


Erasmus Program for higher education is one of the actions of the Socrates Program which aims:

• to strengthen the European dimension of education at all levels
• to improve the knowledge of European languages
• to promote cooperation and mobility throughout the education
• to encourage innovation in education
• to promote equal opportunities in all sectors of education


> Erasmus gives students the opportunity to study for a period of 3-12 months at a university or higher education institution in another participating country. ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) facilitates academic recognition of periods of study in partner institutions.

> Erasmus provides support for teachers giving courses, generally short courses, as part of the official curriculum of a partner university in another European country.

> Erasmus supports Intensive Programs (IP) in the form of intensive courses that provide an additional option for teachers and students, and offer them an opportunity to gain a European perspective.

> Erasmus provides support for Thematic Networks (TN) around a subject area or a specific topic as a platform for analysis and discussion


Middle East Technical University joined Erasmus Program in 2004. Since then Faculty of Architecture signed bilateral agreements for student and academic staff exchange with a range of European higher education institutions. 155 students and 28 academic staff members have visited other countries as part of the Erasmus program between 2004 and 2008. The Faculty also intensely involved in IP and TN programs with a number of these institutions and organized various workshops and studio sessions at home and abroad.


List of Erasmus partner institutions:

Aalborg University, Denmark / Bauhaus Universitat Weimar, Germany / Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary / Delft University of Technology, Holland / Ecole National Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris Belleville, France / Freie Universitat Berlin, Germany / HafenCity Universitat Hamburg, Germany / Hogeschool West-Vlandeeren, Belgium / Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium / Koblenz Landau University, Germany / Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom / Politecnico di Bari, Italy / Politecnico di Milano, Italy / Politecnico di Torino, Italy / Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany / Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany / Universidad Autonoma De Madrid, Spain / Universidad Politecnica De Valencia, Spain / Universidade do Minho, Portugal / Universita di Bologna, Italy / Universitat Bremen, Italy / Universite degli Studi Roma Tre, Italy / Universiteit van Amsterdam, Holland / University of Leeds, United Kingdom / University of Malta, Malta / University of Primorska, Slovenia / University of Reading, United Kingdom / University of Salford, United Kingdom / University of Westminster, United Kingdom / Uniwersytet Im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Poland University of Manchester, United Kingdom / TU Wien-Technical University of Vienna, Austria / Roma-Tre Universty, Italy / Milano-Bicocca University, Italy University of Art and Design Helsinki, Finland / Universitat Kassel, Germany / Hochschule für Künste Bremen, Germany / Fachhochschule Coburg, Germany / Technological Educational Institution of Athens, Greece / Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Holland / University of Primorska, Slovenia / Universidad de Valladolid, Spain


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