Program Outcomes


City and Regional Planning graduates are expected to have acquired the following knowledge, competencies and attitudes:

1. Knowledge and internalization of the concepts of social responsibility and public interest

2. Giving priority to these concepts in planning and practice

3. Commitment to professional ethics and values

4. Capacity to independently carry out individual tasks and studies

5. Ability to work as a responsible team member as well as a leader in team works

6. Professional competency to carry out plans and projects with the utmost quality

7. In the fields of planning and design:

  • Knowledge of planning theories
  • Ability to integrate theory and practice
  • Competency in problem definition, critical approach, and usage of analysis methods and techniques
  • Skills of inter-disciplinary and multi-dimensional thinking, analysis, synthesis, implementation, and development of alternative plans and design solutions

8. In both Turkish and English:

  • Knowledge in professional terminology
  • Ability to carry out and present original studies
  • Skills of expressing oneself

9. Lifelong learning skills and attributes

10. Competency in process design and management


Department of Ctiy and Regional Planning Program Outcomes Course Matrix