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- Türkçe
Address: Department of City and Regional Planning, New Building, Room: 305, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Phone: +90 312 210 62 46
PhD City and Regional Planning, Middle East Technical University (Ongoing)
MSc Urban Design, Middle East Technical University (2019)
BCP Middle East Technical University (2016)
Research Interests: Urban Design, Public Space Design, Urban History, Sustainable Public Space
Master's Thesis
Karadoğan, S., (2019), An Implementatıon Of A New Sustainable Design Approach On Public Spaces: The Case Of Ulus Square, Unpublished Master's Thesis, METU Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of City and Regional Planning, Master of Urban Design, June 2019, Ankara.
Academic Experience
Associate Researcher Sociology (2023-Ongoing)
Université de Genève
Chapters in Books
Karadoğan, S., (2019) 'What is Coding in Urban Design?' in Akkar Ercan, M. (ed.) Regenerative Urbanism, pp. XIV-XVI, Ankara: İdealkent Press, ISBN: 978-605-68927-5-2
Karadoğan, S., (2020) Sustainable Public Space Design. In Akkar Ercan, M. (ed.) Sustainable Urbanism: Envisioning New Agents for Planning and Designing Sustainable Space. IDEALKENT: Ankara. 11-16.
Karadoğan, S., Akkar Ercan M. (2022) Sürdürülebilir ve Yaşanabilir Kentler Bağlamında Kent Kimliği ve Estetiği In Osmanoğlu E. (ed) Belediye Hizmetlerinde İlkeler , İdealKent Publishing, Ankara, 87-116.
Karadoğan, S., (2019) 'Expo: An Inquiry Through Economic-Spatial Context' IV. Uluslararası Kent Araştırmaları Congress16-17-18 Ekim 2019, Proceedings (eds. Öztürk, P.Ç. & Osmanoğlu, E.) ISBN: 978-605-68927-7-6
Karadoğan, S., & Kutlay, E. (2020). Metamorphosis of Urban Form in A Historical Nutshell; A Critical Perspective. In G. Strappa, P. Carlotti, & M. Ieva (Eds.), 5th ISUFitaly International Conference Rome, 19-22 February 2020 PROCEEDINGS (pp. 79–87).
Karadoğan, S. & Kutlay, E. (2021). KENT GEZGİNİ DENEYİMİ: KENT DOKUSUNUN İÇSEL HAREKET İLE ALGISI [ALTERNATİF KAVRAM ÇERÇEVESİ]. "Kent Morfolojileri: Kentsel Form Araştırmalarında Çok Boyutlu Yaklaşımlar", III. Kentsel Morfoloji Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, ss. 557- 568.
METU Faculty of Architecture Urban Design Team, (2017), Recovery Urbanism: Regenerating War Torn Urban Fabric, Urban Design Model, Exhibited at: METU Faculty of Architecture, 12- 19 Sep 2017.
Assistant Researcher- "Urban Agriculture Strategy Document for Ankara" in collaboration with Ankara Development Agency, 2020. Project Team: Proffessors and Research Assistants at METU Department of City and Regional Planning
Project Assistant in Urban Identity and Aesthtetics Guideline for Municipalities, 2020 for The Presidency of Republic of Turkey Commission of Local Administration Policies, in colloboration with İdealKent
Organization Committees
Karadoğan, S. v.d. (2021) Düzenleme Kurulu III. Kentsel Morfoloji Sempozyumu Kent Morfolojileri: Kentsel Form Araştırmalarında Çok Boyutlu Yaklaşımlar, Türkiye Kentsel Morfoloji Araştırma Ağı, 3-5 May 2021. ODTÜ, Ankara.
7. Kent Araştırmaları Kongresi Sürüdürülebilir, Yaşanabilir, Erişilebilir Konut ve Yaşam Çevreleri 16-17-18 May , ODTÜ