Address: Department of City and Regional Planning, New Building, Room: 307, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

Phone: +90 312 210 62 95




PhD      Department of Architecture, Aalto University (Ongoing)

MSc      Urban Design, Middle East Technical University (2018)

Minor    Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing, Middle East Technical University (2015)

BCP      Middle East Technical University (2015)


Research Interests: Retail Geography, Urban Morphology, Urban Design, Futurist Thinking in Urbanism


Assisted Courses

CRP 201 Planning Studio III

CRP 202 Planning Studio IV

CRP 355 Collective Housing Planning and Design (with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Olgu Çalışkan and Prof. Dr. Aydan Balamir)

CRP 401 Planning Studio VII

CRP 402 Planning Studio VIII 

CRP 146 Introduction to Computers in Planning (with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yücel Can Severcan)



Refereed Journal Articles

Efeoglu, H. E., Joutsiniemi, A., & Mozuriunaite, S. (2023). Exploring the plot patterns of the retail landscape: The case of the Helsinki Metropolitan area. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science.



Efeoglu, H. E., Keskinok, Ç. & Yavuz, I. (2023). Jansen ve Ankara: Planlar-Yazışmalar. Ankara, Türkiye. Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları. ISBN: 978-925-8022-47

Çalıșkan, O. & Efeoglu, H. E. (Eds.). (2017). Designing Urban Design: Towards a Holistic Perspective. METU Faculty of Architecture Press. ISBN: 978-975-429-370-8 


Book Chapters

Çalışkan, O. & Efeoglu, H. E. (2023). Kentin Tasarımında Gelecek Kavrayışı ve Gelecekçi Düşünce: Bir Özeleştiri. In M. Oğuz (Ed.), Mekana ve İnsana Dair: Güncel Yaklaşımlar - Tartışmalar – Çalışmalar. (pp. 417-436). Idealkent Yayınları, ISBN: 978-605-733-158-8. 

Tümtürk O., Efeoğlu, H. E., Şevik, E., (2016). Mars City Design: International Design Competition, Olgu Çalıskan (Ed.), Catalogue.01, METU Master of Urban Design, 2016. (pp. 192-197). Ankara, Turkey. METU Faculty of Architecture Press. ISBN: 978-975-429-359-3

Çalışkan, O., Efeoğlu, H.E., (2017). Preface. In Designing Urban Design: Towards a Holistic Perspective. Olgu Çalıskan, H. Eren Efeoğlu (Ed.), (pp. ıv-vıı). Ankara, Turkey. METU Faculty of Architecture Press. ISBN: 978-975-429-370-8


International Proceedings

Șevik, E. & Efeoglu, H. E. (2022, June). The Effect of Urban Form on Functional Organization of Space: A Critical Perspective on the Role of Configuration in Urban Planning by Comparing Three Districts in Ankara, Turkey [Paper Presentation]. In Annual Conference Proceedings of the XXVIII International Seminar on Urban Form. University of Strathclyde Publishing, Glasgow (pp. 1361-1371). ISBN: 978-191-424-116-1

Efeoğlu, H. E., (2017), Envisioning Post-Capitalist Urban Utopia. Paper presented at Colin Rowe Conference 2017, Cities of Good Intentions. Rome, Italy.


National Proceedings

Efeoğlu, H. E. & Çalışkan, O. (2019), Şehircilikte Gelecekçi Düşünce: Güncel Kentsel Tasarım Pratiğine Eleştirel Bakış. Paper presented at 27. Kentsel Tasarım ve Uygulamalar Sempozyumu. Geleceğin Kentini Tasarlamak: Akıllı Kentler, Geleceğin Toplumu ve Kentsel Tasarım. MSGSÜ, İstanbul.

Şevik, E. & Efeoğlu, H. E. (2019). Sosyo-mekansal oluşum süreçlerine topolojik bir bakış, Sözlü Sunum, Dünya Sehircilik Günü 43. Kolokyumu: 'Planlama, Kavramlar ve Arayışlar', 07-09 November 2019.

Efeoğlu, H. E. & Şevik, E. (2019) The Transforming Form of the Changing Public Space: A Typological Study in Retail Areas in Ankara , Tam Metin Bildiri, IV. Uluslararası Kent Arastırmaları Kongresi, 16-18 October 2019.


Scholarly Reports 

Şevik, E., Okumus, G, Efeoglu, H.E. & Temizel, N.P. (2022). A multi-dimensional perspective to the study of urban form in Turkey. Journal of Urban Morphology, 26(1), 4-5.


Master's Thesis

Efeoğlu, H. E., (2018). Futurist Thinking in Urbanism: A Retrospective & Prospective View in the Global Context of Transforming Socio-Economic Structures. Unpublished Master's Thesis. METU Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of City and Regional Planning, Master of Urban Design, July 2018, Ankara.



Goethe Institut-Ankara, (2019, 10 October - 11 November) Harita, Plan ve Eskizlerle Başkentin Tasarım Öyküsü, Curators: Efeoğlu, H.E., Tümtürk, O., Yavuz, I., Cihanger, D.

Çankaya Belediyesi Çağdaş Sanatlar Merkezi, (2018, December 13–19). Jansen ve Ankara: Harita, Plan ve Eskizlerle Başkentin Tasarım Öyküsü. Ankara. Curators: Efeoğlu, H.E., Tümtürk, O., Yavuz, I.

Goethe Institute, (2017 January 13 - 2017 January 29). Gelecek | Future | Zukunft Ankara. Ankara. The Return. (3D Installation). Design: Efeoğlu, H. E., Şevik, E., (Curation: Olgu Çalıskan, Duygu Cihanger).

İKSV 3. İstanbul Design Biennale 'Are We Human?' (2016), Video Installation: "Not Yet!" Team: METU Faculty of Architecture, Location: Kadir Has University, İstanbul, Turkey, METU Faculty of Architecture Team.



Planlama Öğrencileri 11. Yaz Eğitim Kampı 2023, Deprem Sonrası Kenti Tasarlamak: Antakya - (with Dr. Olgu Çalışkan, Ecem Kutlay)

METUDSYMP2016, Master Class with Tony Hall, Controlling Design, Design Control and Guidance: Towards Generative Communication Between Architects and Planners - (with Prof. Tony Hall, Dr. Olgu Çalışkan, Dr. Didem Dizdaroğlu, Ensar Temizel, Eren Efeoğlu, Irmak Yavuz and Neris Parlak).



Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences Course Performance Award in Urban Design (M.S.), METU, 2017

Semi-Final Prize at International Mars City Design Competition (Project Name: Dasein), (Design Team: Olgu Çalışkan (supervisor), Eren Efeoğlu, Ebru Şevik, Irmak Yavuz, Mert Can Yilmaz, Onur Tümtürk, Serdar Özbay, Y. Baver Barut), 2016, California-LA, USA (

Photography: Exhibition Award, (2013). ODTÜ Mezunları Derneği. ODTÜ'de zaman. [National]

Exhibition Award, (2013). AFAD. In Category of Nature. [International]

Third Prize & Jury Special Award. (2013). Gazi University. Kent(d)imize ne yaptık? [National]

Last Updated:
06/03/2025 - 12:32