Address: Department of City and Regional Planning, Room: 60, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

Phone:    + 90 312 210 22 63

Fax:         + 90 312 210 79 65





B.C.P., Middle East Technical University
M.Sc., UPL, Middle East Technical University
Ph.D., University College London


Taught Courses:

CRP241 Urban Transport Planning

CRP454 Urban Transport Systems: Planning and Design

CRP704 Transport Policy

CRP201 Planning Studio III

CRP202 Planning Studio IV


Research interests: Transport Policy, Urban Transport, Public Transport Planning, Planning Education 


Selected Publications:

Tuna Taşan-Kok , Ela Babalik-Sutcliffe & Mark Oranje (2018) Mismatch between planning education and practice: Contemporary educational challenges and conflicts confronting young planners, in From Student to Urban Planner: Young Practitioners’ Reflections on Contemporary Ethical Challenges, Eds. Tuna Taşan-Kok & Mark Oranje, Routledge ISBN 9781138847354.

Babalik-Sutcliffe, E. (2017) Turkey, in The Urban Transport Crisis in Emerging Economies, Eds. Dorina Pojani & Dominic Stead, Springer ISBN 978-3-319-43851-1, pp.247-266. 

Babalik -Sutcliffe, E. (2016) Urban rail operators in Turkey: Organisational reform in transit service provision and the impact on planning, operation and system performance. Journal of Transport Geography, 54, 464-475.

Ela Babalik-Sutcliffe & Elif Can Cengiz (2015) Bus Rapid Transit System in Istanbul: A Success Story or Flawed Planning Decision? Transport Reviews35:6, 792-813. 

Ela Babalik-Sutcliffe (2015) Ela Babalik-Sutcliffe — Turkey. disP - The Planning Review, 51:1, 80-81. [Viewpoint on Planning Education in Turkey]

Babalık-Sutcliffe, E. (2014) “Yol Üzerine” [About a Road] in Mimarlık Dergisi[Journal of Architecture] no.374. 

Babalik-Sutcliffe, E. (2013) Urban form and sustainable transport: Lessons from the Ankara case. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, 7:5, 416-430.

Babalık-Sutcliffe, E. (2012) “Toplu Taşıma Sistemleri” [Public Transport Systems] in Kentsel Ulaşım[Urban Transport], Ed. Tülay Kılınçaslan. Ninova, pp.127-178. Istanbul.

Babalık-Sutcliffe, E. (2011) “Avrupa Birliği Ulaşım Politikası” [European Union Transport Policy] in Avrupa Birliği'ne Giriş - Tarih, Kurumları ve Politikalar[Introduction to the European Union – History, Institutions and Policies], Eds. Kaya, A., Düzgit S.A., Gürsoy, Y. Ve Beşgül, Ö.O. İstanbul Bilgi University Publications, Istanbul.

Babalık-Sutcliffe, E., 2007, “Pro-Rail Policies in Turkey: A Policy Shift?” Transport Reviews 27, 485-498.

Tekeli, İ., Türel, A., Eraydın A., Berkman, G., Şengül, T., Babalık Sutcliffe, E. (2006) “Yerleşme Bilimleri/Çalışmaları için Öngörüler” [Visions for Settlement Sciences/Studies]. Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Raporları, TÜBA.

Babalik-Sutcliffe, E., 2002, Urban rail systems: analysis of the factors behind success. Transport Reviews 22, 415-447.

Mackett, R.L. and Babalik-Sutcliffe, E., 2003, New urban rail systems: a policy-based technique to make them more successful. Journal of Transport Geography 11 (2) 151-165.



“Benchmarking of Urban Rail Systems in Turkey” A comparative performance analysis of Turkish urban rail transit systems. (Ongoing project – Project Manager)

“Sustainable transportation for METU Campus” METU Scientific Research Project (2010-2013). Researcher

“Turkey’s Climate Change Action Plan” Transport Sector Expert in the project carried out by UNDP and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. (2010-2011). Transport Sector Expert

EU FP6 Special Support Action Project “PARAMOUNT: Large Scale Dissemination for Clean Urban Transport” (2006-2010). Project Manager in Turkey



Second Prize in the Research Medal Competition under the category 'Infrastructure and Development', held by the Global Development Network (GDN) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 9-12, 2001, with: "Urban Rail Systems: A planning framework to increase their success".

Award Finalist in the Competition for Japanese Award for Outstanding Research on Development, held by the Global Development Network (GDN) in New Delhi, India, January 28-30, 2004, with: "Pro-market reform in transport: introduction of privately operated buses in Ankara and its impact on the urban poor".


Administrative and Editorial Duties:

Member of the Executive Committee of AESOP [Association of European Schools of Planning] as the GPEAN [Global Planning Education Associations Network] Representative (2013-2019)

Chair of GPEAN [Global Planning Education Associations Network] (2017-2019)

Member of the EU Horizon 2020 (previously FP-7) Transport Programme Committee 

Member of the Editorial Team of Transactions of the Association of European Schools of Planning (2016 onwards)

Member of the Editorial Board of the METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture (JFA) (2010 onwards)

Chairman of the Urban Infrastructure and Transport Committee of the 2009 Urbanization Congress and Workshop organised by the Turkish Ministry of Development and Public Works.

Member of the Urban Transport Experts Committee of Turkey’s 9th and 10thDevelopment Plans


Conference Organization:

Member of the Organizing Committee of “Jansen and Ankara” International Symposium, held in Ankara, 14-15 December 2018.

Scientific Committee Co-Chair of CODATU XVI, held in Istanbul, 2-5 February 2015.

Co-Chair of AESOP2012, the 26th annual AESOP Congress held in METU, Ankara, 11-15 July 2012.

Honorary member and Head of Turkish Secretariat for the 5th Pan-European Conference on Planning for Minerals and Transport Infrastructure, PEMT'06, held in Sarajevo, May 18 – 20, 2006.

Member of the Organizing Committee of the 28th World Urbanism Day Colloquium, held in Ankara, 2004.

Last Updated:
28/01/2025 - 22:07