Address: Department of City and Regional Planning, Room: 56, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

Phone: +90 312 210 22 37




PhD, Urbanism and Spatial Planning, Ghent University (2018)

MCP, Urban Design, Middle East Technical University (2013)

BCP, City and Regional Planning, Middle East Technical University (2010)


Taught Courses

   Middle East Technical University (2020-present)

CRP101 Basic Design Studio I

CRP102 Basic Design Studio II

CRP213 City in History


   TED University (2019-2020)

CITY201 Planning Studio I

CITY202 Planning Studio II

CITY322 Urban Circulation and Transport Planning


Research interests

Public space, street use and design, urban sociology, everyday life, human agency and spontaneity in urban design, informal urbanism.



Refereed Journal Articles

Cihanger Ribeiro, D. (2022) Teaching basic design online during the Covid-19 pandemic: An evaluation of the conventional and innovative pedagogies. Megaron. 17(4): 589-601 DOI: 10.14744/megaron.2022.70457  

Cihanger Ribeiro, D. (2022) The form of social life: seeing beyond informality in emergent design qualities, the case of Yüksel Street in Ankara, Journal of Urban Design, DOI:  

Ribeiro, J.D., Cihanger Ribeiro, D. Duarte, J.S. (2020) A Legacy of Grape: A Socio-Cultural and Spatial Analysis of Ankara's Wine Production History, Ankara Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2020; 8(2): 215-251 | DOI:

Cihanger Ribeiro, D. (2019) The Poiesis of Everyday Life and Space in Yüksel Street, Ankara Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2019; 7(1): 1-25, DOI:

Çalışkan, O., Cihanger Ribeiro, D., Tümtürk, O. (2019) Designing the heterotopia: from social ideology to spatial morphology, Urban Design International 25, 30–52 (2020). DOI:

Cihanger, D. (2018), Spaces by People: An Urban Design Approach to Everyday Life, METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, DOI:

Durusoy, E., Cihanger, D. (2016), Historic Landscape vs. Urban Commodity?: The Case of Yedikule Urban Gardens, Istanbul, Megaron. 2016; 11(1): 125-136, DOI:


Book Chapters

Cihanger Ribeiro, D., Ribeiro, J.D., Tosun, C., (2024) 'Either they want it or not': Turkey's Chamber of City Planners as a Catalyst for Insurgency, In How Do You Employ An Insurgent Planner?, eds. Roberto Rocco, Gabriel Silvestre, Agenda Publishing.

Cihanger Ribeiro, D. (2021) A student workshop on tactical urbanism: one day to change the 100th year neighbourhood?, In Teaching Urban and Regional Planning: Innovative Pedagogies in Practice, eds. Andrea Frank, Artur R. Pires, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, United Kingdom.

Cihanger, D., Uzun, N. (2018) Eymir ve Çevresi ile İlgili Çalışmalar Üzerine Genel Değerlendirme, Eymir: Araştırmalar, Proje ve Planlama Çalışmaları, eds. Funda Baş Bütüner, H.Çağatay Keskinok, ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Yayınları, Ankara.

Cihanger, D., Büyükcivelek, A. B., (2018) From National Discontent to Urban Rights Claim: Gezi Park Protests, Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning: The Right to The City, eds. Silver, X., Freestone, R. Demaziere, C., Routledge Press, New York.

Çalışkan, O., Cihanger, D. (2016), Nanos Gigantum Humeris Insidentes: The New Challenges for Future, Catalogue.01 METU Master of Urban Design 1996-2016.


Conference Proceedings

David, I., Costa, C., Cihanger Ribeiro, D. (2022) Politicizing local government responses to the Covid-19 pandemic: a comparison between Oeiras and İstanbul, International Conference Local Governance in a Time of Global Emergencies, Metropolitan Autonomous University (UAM), National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City, (abstract presentation).

Cihanger, D. (2018), Spontaneity in everyday space: Linking Social and Spatial through an Urban Design Approach, Proceedings of U&U, On Reproduction Re-Imagining the Political Ecology of Urbanism, eds. Dehaene, M, Peleman, D. Ghent, Belgium.

Cihanger, D. (2018), Spontaneity in Space: An Exploration of Socio Spatial Patterns in Cities, Proceedings of Jane Jacobs 100: Her legacy and relevance in the 21st Century), ed. Rocco, R., Delft -The Netherlands.

Cihanger, D. (2017), Spaces by People: Conceptualizing Spatial Dialectics from an Urban Design Perspective, AESOP Annual Congress, July 2017, Lisbon, Portugal.

Cihanger, D., Memlük, O. (2017), A Day to Change a 100 Years Neighborhood´: A Workshop on Tactical Urbanism, AESOP Annual Congress, July 2017, Lisbon, Portugal.

Cihanger, D., Uzun, N. (2016), Eymir Gölü ve Çevresi Hakkındaki Akademik Çalışmalar Üzerine Genel Değerlendirme, Eymir Sempozyumu-ODTÜ Aralık 2016.

Cihanger , D. (2016), Mekanda Kendiliğindenlik: Şehircilik Uzmanların Eğitimi ile Sınırlandırılabilir mi?, 8. Türkiye Şehircilik Kongresi, Ankara.

Çalışkan, O., Cihanger , D. (2016), Heterotopyayı Tasarlamak:Toplumsal İdeolojiden Mekansal Kurguya Çoklu ve Çoğulcu Kentsel Tasarım Deney(im)i?, 8. Türkiye Şehircilik Kongresi, Ankara.

Cihanger, D. (2016), Productive Face of Insurgency in Space Planning vs. Doing, IV World Planning Schools Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

Cihanger, D. (2016), Başkaldırının Üretken Yüzü: Ankara'da Ortak Mekanların Kendiliğinden Oluşumu (?), 39. Dünya Şehircilik Günü Kolokyumu Bildiri Kitabı, Trabzon.

Cihanger, D., Büyükcivelek, A.B., (2015), Surrounded by Insecurity: The Roots of Turkish 31th May Movement, 2013 Meeting of the World Society of EKISTICS, p: 25-40, Ankara.

Cihanger, D. (2015), Tree-Squares in Anatolia: What does an emergent public space mean?, Book Of Proceedings (p., Joint Conference Cıtta 8th Annual Conference on Planning Research Aesop Tg / Public Spaces & Urban Cultures Meeting, Edited by Sara Santos Cruz, Fernando Brandão Alves, Paulo Pinho.

Cihanger, D. (2015), Çağdaş Şehircilik Paradigmasinda Kent ve Kır: Yeni Bir Mekânsal Temsil Biçimine Doğru, 38. Dünya Şehircilik Günü Kolokyumu Bildiri Kitabı, s:439-454, Ekim 2015, Ankara.

Cihanger, D., Durusoy, E. (2015), Speculating the New Public Space in the Context of Temporality, Book of Abstracts International Conference on Changing Cities II, p:450-51, June 2015, Porto Heli, Greece.

Cihanger, D. (2014), ODTÜ Yolu'nun Planlama ve Uygulama Süreci:Aktörler, Çatışmalar ve Tasarımın Rolü, 5. Kentsel ve Bölgesel Araştırmalar Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitabı, s:255-270, Ekim 2014, Ankara.

Cihanger, D. (2014), The Meaning, Form and Function of Public Spaces in the Middle East: Seeing Beyond the Planned Squares in Cities, 4th World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies, WOCMES August 2014, Turkey, Ankara.

Cihanger, D. (2014), Reclaiming the Junction: The Socio-Spatial Decay of Kızılay Square and a Promising Emergence of Public Realm, 28th AESOP Annual Congress, July 2014, The Netherlands – Utrecht.

Cihanger, D. (2014), Bir Yol Hikayesi: Kamusal Alan Planlamasında Kentsel Tasarım ve Yerel Yönetimin Amaç ve Araçlarını Tartışmak, UPAD Congress Proceedings Vol.I, p:401-416 (ed. Nevnihal Erdoğan), May 2014, Kocaeli.

Cihanger, D. (2013), Conflict between Material and Moral: The Story of a Vanishing Industrial Heritage in Ankara, AESOP/ ACSP Joint Congress, July 2013, Ireland-Dublin.

Cihanger, D. (2012), Trees as Place Makers and Memory Markers in Cities: An Urban Design Approach to Monumental Trees in Turkish Cities, 26th AESOP Annual Congress, July 2012 Ankara.


Other Publications in Non-Refereed Journals/Websites

Kamusal Mekânda Geçici Kullanımlar: Portekiz Sahillerinde Barakalar ve Yersellik Üzerine. Arkitera,2020,

Ağacın Mekanı, Mekanın Ağacı, K24 Dergi, 2019,, 2183

Ankara'da Kentsel Sanatı Zorlamak, Mimarlık Dergisi Sayı:384, 2015,

From High Hopes to the Deep Ground: Ankara's Iron Cage, Failed Architecture, 2014

Cihanger, D. (2012), Endüstri Mirasının Değeri ve Korunma Sorunu: Maltepe Havagazı Fabrikası'nın İzleri Silinirken, Planlama Dergisi, 2012/1-2 29-39, Ankara.



Jansen ve Ankara: Harita, Plan ve Eskizlerle Başkentin Tasarım Öyküsü, 10 October-11 November 2019, Goethe Institut (Co-curator with Efeoğlu, E., Tümtürk, O., Yavuz, I.)

Gelecek I Zukunft Ankara Exhibition, 13-29 January 2016, METU Master of Urban Design & Goethe Institut (Co-curator with Olgu Çalışkan)

Are We Human? IKSV 3. İstanbul Design Biennale 2016, 'Not Yet'. (METU Faculty of Architecture Team)

Installation 'Kayıp Su'yun izinde', Ankara Art Initiative, Naturmort Ankara, 2014.

40th year of Journal of Faculty of Architecture, 2016 (Curator)

Gönül Tankut Commemoration Exhibition, 2015 (Curator)



Kelime ve İmge Arasında, Ankara-2019, (Student workshop moderated with Aytaç, B., Nalçakar, M., Yavuz, I.)

Pamucak: Bir Sahil Deneyimi, Workshop organized for the summer training camp of planning students – İzmir-2019, (Student workshop moderated with Yavuz, I.)

Kavaklıdere, Doğanın İzi, Koruma Sempozyumu, Geçmiş | Bugün | Gelecek Arasındaki Diyalog, 2017 (Student workshop moderated with Memlük, O., Savran, S., Sarıhan, F.)

Mahalle Atölyesi: Mekanı Anında, Yerinde ve Birlikte Düşlemek, 8. Türkiye Şehircilik Kongresi Öğrenci Çalıştayı, 2016 (Student workshop moderated with Memlük, O.)

Heterotopya: Yamalı bohçadan Kent Olur mu? - Workshop organized for the summer training camp of planning students – Muğla- 2015- Muğla, 2016, İzmir-2017(Student workshop moderated with Çalışkan, O.)

The Camp as the City / City as the Camp, workshop organized by Architecture of Peace, between Archis (Amsterdam), Netherlands Architecture Institute (Rotterdam), University of Amsterdam and Middle East Technical University, Ankara 2015.



VEKAM Research Award, 2019 with J. Duarte Ribeiro & J. Santos Duarte "Legacy of Grape: A Socio-Cultural and Spatial Analysis of Ankara's Wine Production History."

Special Research Fund (BOF Scholarship), Ghent University, 2016-2019.

VEKAM Library and Archive Award, 2017.

Prof. Ilhan Tekeli Graduate Thesis Award 2013, Cihanger, D. (2013), Trees in the Urban Context: A Study on the Relationship Between Meaning and Design.

Mention Award of the National Urban Design Competition with Acar, Y., Kaygusuz, E., Koca, F., Peker, E., "Green Urban Design: The City of Çanakkale", October 2013.

Excellence in Teaching Prize, directed by Prof.Dr. Anlı Ataöv, AESOP Congress, 2012, Ankara.

Last Updated:
14/05/2024 - 14:59