Address:   Department of City and Regional Planning, Room: 86, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey

Phone:      +90 312 210 62 28
Fax:           + 90 312 210 79 65


ORCID:       0000-0002-1760-1107




PhD                      Planning Studies,
                             University College London (UCL), Bartlett School of Planning (2007-2014)
Visiting                Urban Planning Policies,
Researcher         University of California, Los Angeles
                             Luskin School of Public Affairs, Department of Urban Planning (April-August, 2010)

PhD  Student     City and Regional Planning,

                             Middle East Technical University (2005-2007)

MSc                     Urban and Regional Planning,

                             Université Paris XII, Institut d`Urbanisme de Paris, Paris (2004-2005)

BSc                      GIS / RS Certificate (Minor),

                             Middle East Technical University (2000-2004) 

BCP                     City Planning (Major),

                             Middle East Technical University (2000-2004) 


Research Interests: economic geography, political economy of urbanisation, quality of life, human centred development, local development


Master's Thesis: Differentiation of the Local Development Mechanisms at an Emergent Country: The case of Turkey (in French) (dir. Prof. Laurent Davezies, Université Paris XII)


Academic Experience

Assoc. Prof. Dr.       Department of City and Regional Planning, Middle East Technical University (February 2023-present)
Planning Expert       Planning and Development Project for 5 provinces in Uzbekistan (2023-present) 
Assist. Prof. Dr.       Department of City and Regional Planning, Middle East Technical University (2017-2023)
Chair                          Turkish Chamber of City Planners, Ankara Branch (2018)       
Directory Board       Turkish Chamber of City Planners (2015-2017)


Taught Courses

CRP 101 Basic Design and Planning Studio I

CRP 102 Basic Design and Planning Studio II                                                               

CRP 201 Planning Studio III                   

CRP 202 Planning Studio IV                   

CRP 111 Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning                        

CRP 213 City in History

CRP 372 Planning Theory            

CRP 447 Critical Discussions on Planning and Development

CP 501-502 City Planning Master Studio (Strategic Spatial Planning and Participation)  

CRP 570 Thesis Seminar        



Planning and Development Project for 5 provinces in Uzbekistan, with Argeus Planlama in collaboration with The Regional Directorates of Surkhandaryo and Kaskaderya Regions


Urban Agriculture Strategy Document for Ankara, in collaboration with Ankara Development Agency, AKA  (2019-2020)

Urban Development Strategy Document for Adana Province, with Likya Planlama in collaboration with Adana Greater Municipality (2019)

Urban Development Strategy Document for Kars Province,  with Likya Planlama in collaboration with Kars Municipality  (2019)

A Research on the Urban Experiences of Creative Class: The Case of Ankara Technopole Workers in Ankara, METU, Scientific Research Fund (2018-2019)

Yozgat, Sarıkaya Tourism Based Local Development Project, with Argeus Planlama in collaboration with Central Anatolia Development Agency, ORAN  (2018-2019)

METU Campus Cycling Road Project (proposal), Project research and design, application guidelines (2015-2016)

Preparation of the National Spatial Strategic Plan for Turkey  in collaboration with The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey, TEPAV  (2014-2015) 

Atölye: Düş(ün) Coğrafyası, 25 Kasım / 23 Aralık 2017, Salt Ankara, Garanti Bankası





Büyükcivelek, A.B.; Çobanyılmaz, P.; Kutlay, E. (2022). Claiming urban form for liveability: An analysis of urban social movements in Istanbul. Built Environment, 48(3), 445-467. DOI: 10.2148/benv.48.3.445

Büyükcivelek, A.B. (2021). Application of Marxist labour theory of value on the processes of production and valuation of urban space. Ideal Kent, 32(12), 556-591. DOI: 10.31198/idealkent.729269

Büyükcivelek, A.B. (2017). The capitalist political economy and transformation of public spaces: The case of Gençlik Parkı in Ankara. Built Environment, 43(2), 173-192. DOI: 10.2148/benv.43.2.173 

Büyükcivelek, A.B. (2014). Empirical analysis of the spatial distribution of organised food retailers in Ankara with regard to neighbourhoods’ social, economic and physical characteristics. METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 31(1), 67-95. DOI: 10.4305/metu.jfa.2014.1.4

Büyükcivelek, A.B. (2009). Reconstruction of Ankara’s retail geography through a spatial organisation based typological approach. Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal, 3(5), 333-348. ISSN: 1833-1874 (Print)


Book Chapters

Büyükcivelek, A.B. (to be published in late 2023). Manuel Castells and Space. In H.T. Akarsu; N. Erdoğan (eds.) Philosophers and Space (pp:...). İstanbul, YEM Publishing.   

Büyükcivelek, A.B. (2022). Value, rents and the city: A relational proposal on the valuation of land. In M. Ersoy; H.Ç. Keskinok (eds.). Urban Rents, Planning and Public Interest (pp. 287-318). Ankara, İmge Publishing House. ISBN: 978-975-533-9764

Cihanger, D.; Büyükcivelek, A.B. (2018). From national discontent to urban rights claim: Gezi park protests. In C. Silver; R. Freestone; C. Demaziere (eds) Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning 6: Special Issue “Right to the City” (Vol. 6; pp.217-235). New York, Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-138-64548-6

Büyükcivelek, A.B. (2012). Urban history. S. Özdemir; B. Özdemir-Sarı, N. Uzun (eds.) Urban Planning: Concepts, Subjects and Contemporary Discussions (pp.69.93). Ankara, Imge Publishing House. ISBN: 978-975-533-874-3

Büyükcivelek, A.B. (2012). Urban square. In M. Ersoy (ed.) Urban Planning: Encyclopaedic Dictionary (p.342). Ankara, Ninova Publishers. ISBN: 978-605-88444-2-1

Büyükcivelek, A.B. (2012). Urban spine. In M. Ersoy (ed.) Urban Planning: Encyclopaedic Dictionary (pp.138-139). Ankara, Ninova Publishers. ISBN: 978-605-88444-2-1

 Büyükcivelek, A.,B. (2012). Central business district. In M. Ersoy (ed.) Urban Planning: Encyclopaedic Dictionary (pp.337-339). Ankara, Ninova Publishers. ISBN: 978-605-88444-2-1


Edited Books

Şimşek, G.; Büyükcivelek, A.B. (ed.) (2018). Spatial Strategic Planning in Turkey: Participation at Neighbourhood Scale. Ankara, METU Faculty of Architecture Prints. ISBN: 978-975-429-374-6


Letters of Opinion

Büyükcivelek, A.B. (2021). What is urban agriculture? Why is urban agriculture? Kalkınma Ajandası, Ankara Development Agency, January-March, 38-44. ISSN: 2149-6099

Büyükcivelek, A.B. (2020). Quality problem of spatial plans. Planlama, Chamber of City Planners, 30/2, 149-153. DOI: 10.14744/planlama.2020.07269


Proceedings (published)

Büyükcivelek, A.B. (2021). To be or not to be: A discussion on the social legitimacy of spatial planning in Turkey. In 9th Word Urbanism Day Congress Proceedings Book. Ankara, Chamber of City Planners and Aydan Yayıncılık. ISBN: 978-605-01-1541-3

Büyükcivelek, A.B.; Varış, S.,C. (2019). Creative Class Thesis and Urban Resilience: The Case of Technopolis Workers in Ankara. International Disaster and Resilience Conference “From Risk to Resilience” Proceedings Book. ISBN: 978-605-031-286-7

Büyükcivelek, A.B. (2017). Contemporary Issues in Urban Planning Education and Urban Planning Education in Turkey, 8th Turkish Congress of Urbanism Proceedings Books, 7-9 November 2016. Ankara, Turkey. ISBN: 978-605-01-1080-7

Büyükcivelek, A.B. (2016). Contemporary issues in planning and planning education in Turkey. 39th World Urbanism Day Colloquium Proceedings Book. Ankara, Chamber of City Planners and Aydan Yayıncılık.

Büyükcivelek, A.B. (2016) Hidden Positivities within the Urban Planning Education in the Neoliberal Era: The case of METU Department of City and Regional Planning, IV World Planning Schools Congress Proceedings Book, 3-8 July 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. ISBN: 978-85-7785-551-1

Büyükcivelek, A.B. (2016). An Urban Heritage that Transform to Survive: The case of Gençlik Parkı, IV World Planning Schools Congress Proceedings Book, 3-8 July 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. ISBN: 978-85-7785-551-1

Cihanger, D.; Büyükcivelek A.B. (2015). Surrounded by Insecurity: the roots of the Turkish 31st May movement, in Yılmaz, M.; and Keskinok, H.,Ç. (ed.) The Cities, Security and Poverty: Proceedings of the 2013 Meeting of the World Society of Ekistics, Proceedings Book Ankara, Hacettepe University Printing House. ISBN: 978-975-491-416-0

Büyükcivelek, A.B. (2013). Transformation in Retail Sector, Its Spatial Implications and Urban Planning, 38th World Urbanism Day Colloquium Proceedings Book, Chamber of City Planners - Aydan Yayıncılık, Ankara. ISBN: 978-605-01-0524-7

Büyükcivelek, A.B.; Şenyel, M.A. (2006). Tracing Regional Differences on the Urban Space: The case of Ankara. 42nd ISoCaRP congress: Cities Between Integration and Disintegration, Opportunities and Challenges Proceedings Book, 17-18 September, Istanbul, Turkey. ISBN: 90-75524-45-5


Proceedings (unpublished)

Büyükcivelek, A.B. (2019). Co-Creation: An Alternative Approach for the Production of Urban Public Spaces, oral presentation, 13th International Conference on Landscape and Urban Design “Complex Approach to the Landscape Urban Spaces: Issues and Solutions”, 26-27 November 2019, St. Petersburg.  

Büyükcivelek, A.B. (2019). Production of Urban Space: Labour Theory of Value and an essay on Housing Production in Turkey, oral presentation, 4th International Conference on Urban Studies “Economy and Urbanisation”, 16-18 October, Ankara.   

Büyükcivelek, A.B. (2018). The City and the Creative Class: Right to the city for the new proletariat, 50 Ans Après le Droit à la Ville-Quelle Actualité? International Colloquium, 30 March 2018, Tours, France.  

Büyükcivelek, A.B. (2012). Capitalist Logic and the Production of Spaces of Inequality: the case of Organised Food Retailers in Ankara, proceeding, the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) Annual Congress, 11-15 July 2012, Ankara, Turkey.


Awards & Fellowships & Research Grants

METU Scientific Research Fund, Research on the Urban Experiences of Creative Class: The Case of Ankara Technopole Workers in Ankara (2018-2019)  

Visiting Researcher, Department of Urban Planning, Luskin School of Public Affairs, University of California - Los Angeles, (April-August, 2010) with the long term research scholarship of University College London

Completing Research Student (UCL) Scholarships, University College London (2011-2013)

University College London, Long Term Research Scholarship (April-August, 2010)

Turkish Council of Higher Education Scholarship for PhD. (2007-2011)

Bource d'Excellence of French Government, Institut d'Urbanisme de Paris, Université Paris XII - Val de Marne (2004-2005) 


Theses Supervised


Master level

Y S.ÇINAR, "THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE CREATIVE COMMUNITY AND URBAN IDENTITY: THE CASE OF URLA", Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Dept. of City and Regional Planning, 2023

T.YAZICI, "Locational choice criteria of private theater spaces: The case of Ankara", Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Dept. of City and Regional Planning, 2023

B.ALPDOĞAN, "Tactical urbanism and participatory approach: Istanbul case", Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Dept. of City and Regional Planning, 2023

E.KARABEYOĞLU, "The effect of dıgıtal platforms on place attachment, a case study from 100. Yıl Evleri and Ayrancı ahalisi facebook group pages", Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Dept. of City and Regional Planning, 2023

S.TAQVI, "From modernism to neoliberalism: Analysis of public spaces in Islamabad with particular focus on public libraries", Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Dept. of City and Regional Planning, 2023

G.ŞAHİN, "Contributions of web and mobile applications to rural development on the basis of product management: A case from GAP region", Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Dept. of City and Regional Planning, 2022

G.SEZGİN, "The factors affecting the urban creative mobility in Turkey: A case perspective of academicians of ÖYP", Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Dept. of City and Regional Planning, 2021

E.NALÇAKAR, "Urban oblivion: An evaluation of urban conservation approaches in terms of geo-cultural identity in the case of jewish quarter of Ankara Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Dept. of City and Regional Planning, 2021

M.HATİÇOĞLU, "Urban obsolescence: An evaluation of observed and perceived criteria in the context of Ulus historic city center in Ankara", Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Dept. of City and Regional Planning,  2021

E.TÜMER ERGÜN, "A research on resilience of urban public spaces: The case of Güvenpark, Ankara", Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Dept. of City and Regional Planning, 2020

C.MERCANOĞLU, "Relationship between sense of belonging and social production of space: Analysis of Hasanoğlan High Village Institute", Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Dept. of City and Regional Planning, 2019

A.KALPAKLI, "Integration of immoveable cultural heritage to contemporary urban areas: The case of Ankara Castle", Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Dept. of City and Regional Planning, 2019

M.VARANKAYA, "The relationship between urban plan hierarchy and urban transportation master plan. the case of Ankara, İzmir and Bursa", Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Dept. of City and Regional Planning, 2019



Turkish (native), English (advanced), French (advanced)

Last Updated:
11/02/2025 - 18:56