CRP406 Public Space for Inclusion and Diversity
Among the elective course offered by Department of City and Regional Planning in the upcoming academic term, the CRP406 course explores the social dimensions of urban planning and design through theory, real-world case studies, and hands-on workshops. We will examine the concept of public sphere and public space from the perspectives of social infrastructure, urban migration, multiculturalism, and through physical examples such as streets, squares, parks, and gardens. Building on theoretical debates, the workshops will explore public space using contemporary methods of urban planning and design. These hands-on workshops will focus on the METU Campus site while also engaging with Salt's new project, 'Water Assemblies,' to question how artistic practices can challenge dominant hegemonies and critically reshape public space."
Instructors: Assist. Prof. Dr. Duygu Cihanger Ribeiro
Res. Assist. Ayşegül Sarı