Address: Department of City and Regional Planning, Room: 312 , Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.

Phone:    +90 312 210 62 02 / 210 42 11

Fax:         +90 312 210 79 65




Dr. Ataöv is a professor of urban planning at Middle East Technical University (METU), Turkey since 2004. She received her Master’s in strategic planning from the Ohio State University (OSU) in the U.S. She holds doctorate degrees in environmental aesthetics from the Ohio State University and in action research from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Norway. She worked as a planner, professor, researcher and consultant for private, public, and national/international non-governmental organizations and institutions in Turkey, the U.S., Norway, Denmark, and the U.K. She received national and international academic awards and grants. Her professional and academic practice and publications mainly focus on participatory planning and design, sustainability and social change, cultural/natural conservation planning and area management, people and environment, arts and design. In recent years, she worked as a member of Natural Environment Conservation Commission of Eskişehir (Ministry of Environment and Urbanization of Turkey), she co-authored Governance and Climate Responsive Cities with Ender Peker, and Sustainable Society and Built Environment Design with Prof.Dr. İlhan Tekeli. She is fluent in English, French and Turkish (mother tongue). She is an activist in peace making, healthy and happy living.


Ph.D.     Faculty of Social Science and Technology Management (2007)
              Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Ph.D.     City & Regional Planning (1998);
              The Ohio State University (OSU)

MCRP    City & Regional Planning (1994);
               The Ohio State University (OSU)

BS         Middle East Technical University (METU)

Courses Taught:

Middle East Technical University, Turkey (2004 -  present)

CRP 101/102   Basic Design and Planning Studio I

CRP 301/302   Planning Studio III

CRP 401/402   Planning Studio IV

CRP 355 Urban Design Workshop

CRP 403 Urban Conservation Planning

CRP 455 Aesthetics and Human Experience in Urban Design

CRP 453 Participatory Design and Planning

CRP 509 Introduction to Research Methods and Ethics in Planning and Design

ARCH 517 Principles of Universal Design

CONS 508 Cultural Heritage Workshop


SUNY Binghamton University, USA (2012 – 2013)

SOC 359          Urban Sociology

SOC 380B       Democratizing Societies


Index Journal Articles :

Ataöv, A., Haliloğlu Kahraman, E.Z. & Osmay, S. (2022). Empowering the community through participation and action in historic neighbourhood conservation planning. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 11 (3), 492-508. []

Demir, B. & Ataöv, A., (2021). Socio-spatial sensitivity areas in the transition to wind energy development: the case of İzmir, Journal of Planning, 31(2), 337-351. []

Peker, E. & Ataöv, A. (2020). Exploring the Ways in which Campus Open Space Design Influences Students’ Learning Experiences. Landscape Research, 45 (3), 310 – 326. []

Lotfata, A. & Ataöv, A. (2020). Urban streets and urban social sustainability: a case study on Bagdat street in Kadikoy, Istanbul, European Planning Studies, 28 (9), 1735 – 1755. [

Kahya, Y. & Ataöv, A. (2019). Cultural actors as agents of generating social co-presences within the place: Istanbul’s contemporary art scene. European Planning Studies. 27:6, 1177-1199, 27 (6), 1177 – 1199. [

Ataöv, A. (2014). Housing production from a humanistic point of view: The issue of 'other actors'. Planlama, 23(2), 77-82. [

Ataöv, A. (2014). The role of strategic approach in the democratization of decision-making processes: Process design, participation and action'. Planlama, 23(3), 125-133. [

Ataöv, A. & Kristiansen, S-T. (2012). In search of a common ground: An empirical derived model of the formation of common ground among voluntary exchange relations. European Planning Studies, 21 (12), 1895-1918. []

Ataöv, A. & Eraydın, A. (2011). Different forms of governance: Responses to two metropolitan regions in Turkey to state restructuring. Urban Affairs Review, 47(1) 84–128. [

Ataöv, A., Brøgger, B. & Hildrum, J. (2010). An action research approach to the inclusion of immigrants in worklife and local community life: Preparation of participatory realm. Journal of Action Research, 8 (3), 237 – 265. [

Ataöv, A. & Kahraman, E. (2009). Constructing collaborative processes through experiential learning: participatory urban planning in Kaymaklı, Turkey. Habitat International 33, 378-386. [

Ataöv, A. (2008). Constructing co-generative processes: Participatory urban planning / making urban plans actionable. European Planning Studies, 16 (6), 829-851. [

Ataöv, A. (2007). Democracy to become reality: Participatory planning through action research. Habitat International 31 (3-4), 333-344. [

Ataöv, A. (2007). Continuous learning processes in creating the public realm. Municipal Engineer (ICE), 160 (3), 135-143. []

Ataöv, A. (2007). Planlamada sosyal bilimcinin değişen rolü: Toplumdan biri olmak [The changing role of social scientists in urban planning: to become a proactive participant in research]. ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi [METU JFA], The changing role of social scientists in urban planning: to become a proactive participant in research.  24 (1), 139-152. []

Ataöv, A. & Osmay, S. (2007). Türkiye’de kentsel dönüşüme yöntemsel bir yaklaşım [A methodological approach to urban regeneration in Turkey], ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi [METU JFA], 24 (2), 57-82. []

Ataöv, A. & Haider, J. (2006). From participation to empowerment: Critical reflections on a participatory action research project with street children in Turkey. Children, Youth and Environments, 16 (2), 127-152. [

Ataöv, A. (1998). Environmental Aesthetics. CPL Bibliography 349. Journal of Planning Literature, 13, 2.

Ataöv, A. (1997). Water as part of children’s environment and children’s preferences for waterfront settings. Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) Reproduction Service.



Tekeli, İ. & Ataöv, A. (2017). Sürdürülebilir bir Toplum ve Yapılı Çevre: Strateji Seçenekleri Yelpazesi, Istanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, Istanbul. (

Peker, E. & Ataöv, A. (Eds.) (2021). Governance and Climate Responsive Cities: Exploring Cross-Scale Dynamics, Springer (ISBN 978-3-030-73398-8) []

Ataöv, A. & Peker, E. (2020). A Manual for Municipalities: Children and Environment Design, Ankara, İdealKent. [

Peker, E. & Ataöv, A. (2020). A Manual for Municipalities: Climate Change, Ankara, İdealKent. []

Tekeli, İ. & Ataöv, A. (2017). Sustainabile Society and Built Environment Design (Sürdürülebilir bir Toplum ve Yapılı Çevre Tasarımı için bir Strateji Seçenekleri Yelpazesi Oluşturmak), Istanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, Istanbul. [



Book Chapters:

Peker, E. & Ataöv, A. (2021). Governance of Climate Responsive Cities: Scale Matters! in Peker & Ataöv (Eds.) Governance and Climate Responsive Cities (pp. 1-8), Springer (ISBN 978-3-030-73398-8) []

Peker, E. & Ataöv, A. (2021). Challenges of Translating National Climate Change Strategies into Local Action in Peker & Ataöv (Eds.) Governance and Climate Responsive Cities (pp. 21-42), Springer (ISBN 978-3-030-73398-8) []

Ataöv, A. & Peker, E. (2021). Co-designing Climate Action through Participatory Planning in Peker & Ataöv (Eds.) Governance and Climate Responsive Cities (pp. 147-164), Springer (ISBN 978-3-030-73398-8) []

Ataöv, A., Bilgin Altınöz, A.G., & Güçhan Şahin, N. (2019). Engaging in politics: Managing power through action research. In Eraydın, A. & Frey, K. (eds) (75-92), Politics and Conflicts in Governance and Planning. Cambridge, UK: Routledge [

Ataöv, A. (2017). The meaning of urban aesthetics. In Savaş, A. & Osmay, S. (Eds) (pp. 116-122), Jale N. Erzen: Testimonial | Anı Kitabı. Ankara: Middle East Technical University. 

Bilgin Altınöz, G., Ataöv, A. & Şahin Güçhan, N. (2017). Kommagene Nemrut Yönetim Planı izleme, değerlendirme ve eğitim süreçleri ve yaptırımları. N. Şahin Güçhan (Ed.) Kommagene Nemrut Yönetim Planı (522-562), Ankara: TC Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı – İstanbul 2010, Avrupa Kültür Başkenti Ajansı

Şahin Güçhan, N., Bilgin Altınöz, G. & Ataöv, A. (2017). Kommagene Nemrut Yönetim Planı Ana Çerçevesi ve Yöntemi. N. Şahin Güçhan (Ed.) Kommagene Nemrut Yönetim Planı (11-35), Ankara: TC Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı – İstanbul 2010, Avrupa Kültür Başkenti Ajansı

Şahin Güçhan, N., Ataöv, A. & Bilgin Altınöz, G. (2017). Kommagene Nemrut Yönetim Planı Senaryosu ile gerçekleştirilecek projeler ve süreçleri. N. Şahin Güçhan (Ed.) Kommagene Nemrut Yönetim Planı (488-521), Ankara: TC Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı – İstanbul 2010, Avrupa Kültür Başkenti Ajansı.

Ataöv, A. (2008). Involving street children in the democratization of urban space. In B. Boog et al. (Eds.) Towards quality improvement of action research: developing ethics and standards, Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


Selected Conference Presentations:

Ataöv, A. (2017). The meaning of environmental aesthetics: For whom? For what?. International Urban Aesthetics Symposium, Antalya, Turkey.

Ataöv, A. (2017). Kültürel miras alanlarının korunmasında toplumsal değişim ve demokratikleşme. Tokat'ın Antik Kentleri Sempozyumu, Tokat, Turkey.

Ataöv, A., et al. (2016). Planlamada temel tasarım eğitimini bağlamsal ve refleksiv bir ele alış. 8 Kasım Dünya Şehircilik Günü 40. Kolokyumu, Ankara, Turkey.

Ataöv, A., et al. (2014). A reflexive and experiential approach to urban planning education in the face of climate change. AESOP Annual Congress, Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Ataöv, A. (2006). Involving street children in the democratization of urban space, Electronic Proc. 11th PAR Congress, Groningen, The Netherlands.

Ataöv, A. (2004). Participatory Strategic Planning in Kocaeli, Turkey: A Large-Scale Systems Action Research, 28th Colloquium of Planning, Ankara, Turkey.

Ataöv, A. (2004). Children’s perception of Urban Waterfronts and their Responses to Them: Emotional Reactions. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Inclusive Environments -Open Space: People Space, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Ataöv, A. (2004). How to Improve the Experiences of Children Living and Working on Urban Streets? A Participatory Action Research Approach. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Inclusive Environments -Open Space: People Space, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Ataöv, A. (2001). Liveability study in Mersin's residential neighborhoods. Paper presented at the 31st Annual Conference of The Johns Hopkins Urban Fellows Association, Mersin, Turkey.

Ataöv, A. (1998). An Heuristic Elicitation Method for Children’s Evaluation of the Visual Features of Urban Waterfronts. Paper presented at the 15th Binenniel Conference of International Association for People-Environment Studies (IAPS), Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

Ataöv, A. (1997). Review of Literature: Visual Features and Young Children’s Environmental Experiences in Indoor/Outdoor Settings. Paper presented at the 28th Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA), Montréal, Canada.

Ataöv, A. (1996). An Impact of Urban Waterfront Development on Children: A Case Study of Battery Park. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA), Salt Lake City, UTAH.

Dikbayır, G., Dayıoğlu, M., Bakır, A., & Ataov, A. (2001). The Affect of Income and Poverty on Child Employment. Paper presented at the ILO Child Employment Symposium, Ankara, Turkey: State Institute of Statistics Publications.

Haider, J. & Ataöv, A. (2005). The Significance of Urban Culture in Contemporary Cities: Reclaiming Public Space for Youth in a Consumer World, Congress of the Union of International Architects, Istanbul, Turkey.

Sahabettinoğlu, M., Uyanik, D., Ayhan, N., Bakir, A., & Ataov, A. (2001). Socio-economic Obstacles and Supporting Mechanisms for Children’s Education. Paper presented at the ILO Child Employment Symposium, Ankara, Turkey: State Institute of Statistics.

Taş, A., Ataöv, A. & Ayhan, N. (2001). A New Approach: Participatory Action Research Methodologies, Paper presented at ILO Child Employment Symposium, Ankara, Turkey: State Institute of Statistics.

Taş A., Bakir, A. & Ataöv, A. (2001). The Affect of Migration on Child Employment, ILO Child Employment Symposium, Ankara, Turkey: State Institute of Statistics.


Research and Applied Projects:

Coordinator / Trainer, The Ensemble [Doğaçlama Ansambul] w/ Can Gölgelioğlu (Çankaya University), Atilla Çağdaş Değer (Hacettepe University), Enver Arcak (Film Director / Producer) []

Coordinator / Trainer, The Echo [Yerin Ekosu] w/ Can Gölgelioğlu (Çankaya University), Nilgül Karadeniz (Ankara University), Atilla Çağdaş Değer (Hacettepe University), Maya Galimidi (Empower with Nature), Özgün Özçakır (METU), Orkun Karakuş (Balıkesir University), Ece Işıl Eren (METU) []

Coordinator / Trainer, The Sound [Yerin Sesi] w/ Can Gölgelioğlu (Çankaya University), Orkun Karakuş (Balıkesir University), Şebnem Taşkaya (Private Schools of Tevfik Fikret) []

Co-coordinator / Trainer, Design your Joy [Eğlenceni Tasarla] w/ Mualla Erkılıç (METU), Şebnem Taşkaya (Private Schools of Tevfik Fikret) []

Coordinator, Understanding the Sustainable Components and their Relationships on University Campuses: The case of METU campus (Scientific Research Project, 2022 – present)

Coordinator, Understanding the Socio-Ecological Aspects of Urban Food Systems and the Emerging Governance Mechanisms: The case of Ankara (Scientific Research Project, 2022 – present)

Researcher, Co-Generation of Private Sector Recovery Strategies in case of Earthquake Disaster (UNDP, 2019-2020)

Researcher, Understanding the Effects of Climate Change on Winter Tourism in the Case of Erzurum, Turkey, and Formulation of Local Climate Change Adaptation Strategies through the Participation of Local Stakeholders (TUBİTAK, 2018 – 2021)

Advisor, Assessment of Climate Change Responsive Local Solutions and Municipalities’ Climate Change Action Plans (Adaptation and Prevention Practices (Sabancı University, Municipality of Rize, 2016 - 2017)

Coordinator, Komana-Tokat Cultural Heritage Community Empowerment and Rural Development Project (Scientific Research Project, METU-TAÇDAM, 2017)

Coordinator, Understanding the Socio-Spatial Sensitivity Areas in the Transition to Wind Energy Development: the Case of İzmir (Scientific Research Project, METUWind, 2017)

Trainer, Participatory Planning Aspect of the Cultural Heritage Conservation and Management Plan of Sagalassos – Ağlasun (METU and Catholic University of Leuven, 2016)

Trainer, Participatory Action Research in the Empowerment for Networking of Children's Rights Civil Associations in Turkey (International Children's Center, 2015 - 2016)

Coordinator/TrainerBlueprint Binghamton: Forward Together, Youth Planning (City of Binghamton / Binghamton University, NY, ABD, 2013)

Coordinator/TrainerParticipatory Planning Aspect of 1/100,000 scale Provincial Environment Layout Plan of Bursa (the Greater Municipality of Bursa and Provincial Special Office of Bursa2010 – 2012)

ResearcherParticipatory Planning Aspect of the Commagene-Nemrut Cultural Conservation and Development Area Management Plan in Adıyaman (the Ministry of Cultural and Tourism, 2006 – 2012)

Researcher, Assessment of Existing Laws, Regulations and Agreements in relation to Climate Change Adaptation and Prevention (REC Turkey, 2011)

Co-coordinator / PlannerParticipatory Neighborhood Park Design in the Çankaya District of Ankara (the Municipality of Çankaya2011)

Trainer, İstanbul Participatory Mitigation Training Program, World Bank – İSMEP – Governorship of İstanbul, 2007 – 2009

Researcher / Community Planner, Participatory Revitalizaiton and Community empowerment in a Historic Neighbourhood of Ankara: the Jewish Quarter (Restoration of Şengül Hammam), European Union – METU, 2007 – 2009

Researcher, Exploring New Governance Mechanisms and Development Strategies in Urban Regions in Antalya and Izmir (European Union and The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, 2006 - 2009)

Researcher /TrainerDemocratic Participation in Local Governance Project in Eskişehir, Nevşehir, İzmir, Mardin, and Ankara (European Union, 2005 - 2007)

Researcher, Integration of Immigrants into Work Life Project, Work Life Institute (AFI), Oslo, Norway, 2006

Researcher / Planner, TEMA Kurumsal Stratejik Planlama Projesi (Katılımlı Kurumsal Yapılanma (participatory strategic institutional planning), TEMA, 2006

Researcher / Planner, Ankara Stratejik Mekansal Planlama ve Ankara İl Özel İdaresi (AİÖİ) Stratejik Kurumsal Planlama Projesi (Katılımlı Mekansal Planlama ve Kurumsal Yapılanma (participatory strategic institutional and spatial planning), Special Provincial Administration of Ankara, 2005-2006

Researcher, İstanbul Kentsel Dönüşüm Projesi:Kuramsal ve Yöntemsel Altyapı Oluşturma Projesi (urban transformation), BİMTAŞ – METU, 2005

Researcher / Planner, Bursa Participatory Strategic Planning, KALDER – Arama Participatory Management Consulting, Inc., 2004

Researcher / Planner, Kocaeli Participatory Strategic Planning, Chamber of Industry, Kocaeli, Arama Participatory Management Consulting, Inc., 2003 – 2004.

Researcher / Planner, Tofaş Participatory Institutional Change Project, TOFAŞ – Arama Participatory Management Consulting, Inc., 2002 – 2004

Researcher / Planner, Hürriyet Participatory Institutional Visioning and Change Project, Hürriyet Newspaper – AramaParticipatory Management Consulting, Inc., 2002 – 2003

Planner, Riverside/Flanders/Northampton Area Participatory Rehabilitation Project, Town of Southampton, CT (USA), 2002

Planner, Town of Goshen Master Plan Revizyonu, Town of Goshen, NY (USA), 2002

Planner, Visual Impact Analysis, Village of Sleepy Hallow ve Ossining School District, NY (USA), 2002

Researcher, T.C. Hükümeti – UNICEF 2001 -2005 Ana Uygulama Planı için Katılımlı İzleme/Değerlendirme Model Geliştirme Projesi (follow-up and evaluation modelling), UNICEF, Institute of Social Services and Child Protection (SHÇEK), Institute of Statisitcs, Turkey (TÜİK), Ministry of Labor, ministry of Health, 2001-2002

Researcher, Sokakta Yaşayan ve Çalışan Çocuklarla Katılımlı Eylem Araştırması Projesi (PAR with children living and working on the streets), UNICEF – Institute of Statistics, Turkey (TÜİK) – Institute of Social Services and Child Protection (SHÇEK), 1999-2001

Planner, OSU Landscape Master Planning – Preparation Phase, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH (USA), 1997-1998

Planner, OSU Campus Pedestrian Paths Renewal and Green Park Project – Design and Implementation, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH (USA), 1997 – 1998

Planner, Columbus Historic Neighborhood Inventory Study, City of Columbus, OH (USA), 1993 – 1995

Assistant Planner, Copenhagen Scandinavian Center Project, Dissing & Weitling, Kopenhag, Denmark, 1991

Assistant Planner, Shirley Solihull Residential Development Project, Halcrow Fox & Associates, Londra, England, 1990


Academic Honors:

Levin Senior Fellowship, Harpur College of Arts and Sciences, SUNY Binghamton University (2012-2013)


2012 Excellence in Teaching Award, Association of European Schools of Planning (2012)


Research Scholarship, The Research Institute of Norway (Fall-Winter 2006-2007)

Graduate Scholarship, The Research Institute of Norway (2003 – 2007)

Research Scholarship, The Government of Belgium (Fall 2001)

Academic Achievement Award, The Ohio State University (1992-1994)

Rotary International Fellowship, The Rotary Foundation (1992-1993)

Academic Merit Award for ranking First, Faculty of Architecture & Department of City and Regional Planning, METU (1992)

Levin Senior Fellowship, Harpur College of Arts and Sciences, SUNY Binghamton University (2012-2013)


2012 Excellence in Teaching Award, Association of European Schools of Planning (2012)


Research Scholarship, The Research Institute of Norway (Fall-Winter 2006-2007)

Graduate Scholarship, The Research Institute of Norway (2003 – 2007)

Research Scholarship, The Government of Belgium (Fall 2001)

Academic Achievement Award, The Ohio State University (1992-1994)

Rotary International Fellowship, The Rotary Foundation (1992-1993)

Academic Merit Award for ranking First, Faculty of Architecture & Department of City and Regional Planning, METU (1992)


Supervised Theses Awards:

Kahraman, E., “The Effects of Urban Transformation of Squatter Housing Areas on Social Integration of Rural Migrants into Urban Life: A Case Study in Dikmen, Ankara”, ODTÜ, 2008 (ODTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Tez Ödülü – METU Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences Ph.D. Thesis Award)

Kulözü, N., “Socio-psychological Dimensions of Participatory Processes: In the case of the Local Government and NGO Cooperation in Participatory Democracy Project”, ODTÜ, 2012 (ODTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Tez Ödülü – METU Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences Ph.D. Thesis Award)

Soysal, B., “The Construction of Strategic Planning to the Establishment of Democratic Governance Mechanisms”, ODTÜ, 2008. (Prof.Dr. İlhan Tekeli Y. Lisans Tez Ödülü – Prof. Ilhan Tekeli Graduate Thesis Award)

Other Supervised Theses:

Gölgelioğlu, C., “Timbre of the Place: Emerging Affective Assemblages through the Association of Place and Music”, METU, 2021.

Kesici, N., “Crowd oriented public space approach on the Istiklal street, Istanbul: many people, in the same place, at the same time”, METU, 2021.

Ataç, B.A., “Reading the complexity of the “fringe” from a perspective of territorial and historical change: the case of Datça, Muğla”, METU, 2021.

Kahya, Y., “Spatio-Temporal Structuration of Art and Cultural Events Mediated Urban Experience In Beyoğlu”, METU, 2015.

Lotfata, A., “The Role of Sociocultural Practices in the Transformation and Re-Structuring of Streets: A Case Study of Street In Istanbul”, METU, 2014.

Atak, H., “Spatial attributes of learning environments that catalyze mental and socio-psychological factors enhancing design students' creativity”, METU, Şubat 2014.

Zeka, B. “The Humanistic Meaning of Public Squares: The Çayyolu Urban Square, Ankara”, METU, 2011.

Eken, T. “Gentrification in Fener-Balat Neighborhoods: The Role of Involved Actors”, METU, 2010.

Peker, E., “Learning Experience in Campus Open Spaces”, METU, 2010.

Kubilay, B. “Security in Design, the Case of Istiklal Neighborhood, Ankara”, METU, 2009.

Ünver, A., “People’s Experience of Urban Lighting in Urban Space”, ODTÜ, 2009.

Uğuz, E., “Transformation of Collective Memory in the Case of Ankara: The Atatürk Boulevard”, ODTÜ, 2008.

Ünver, E., “Sustainability of Cultural Heritage Management: Keklik Street and its Surrounding Conservation and Development Project”, ODTÜ, 2006.

Ertek, D., “Symbolic Meaning of Cemeteries for Users: The Karşıyaka Cemetery Case”, ODTÜ, 2006.



Associate Dean, METU, Faculty of Architecture (2020-2022)

Co-founder and Deputy Director, METU Wind, Center for Wind Energy (RUZGEM) (2011-2012) (

Co-founder and Vice President, BIVAK Association (Birlikte Var Olmak) (2008-present) (



TurkishEnglish, French, Spanish (intermediate)

Last Updated:
28/01/2025 - 22:06