Yücel Can SEVERCAN, Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Vice Chair)
- English
- Türkçe
Address: Department of City and Regional Planning, Room: 42, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Phone: + 90 312 210 62 19
Fax: + 90 312 210 79 65
E-Mail: yucelcan@metu.edu.tr
Website: https://avesis.metu.edu.tr/yucelcan
Post-doctoral Fellow Middle East Technical University (2014)
Research Affiliate– University of Colorado at Boulder (2012 – 2013)
Postdoctoral Fellow
PhD Design and Planning
University of Colorado at Denver (2012)
MSc Urban Design
Middle East Technical University (2006)
BCP City and Regional Planning
Middle East Technical University (2003)
Research Interests: Urban design, place-making, sustainable urban regeneration, industrial heritage conservation, participatory planning and design, environmental psychology, healthy community development, physical activity and health, computer-aided collaborative planning and design
Taught Courses
Middle East Technical University, Turkey (2014 – present)
CRP 509 Introduction to Research Methods and Ethics in Planning and Design (Spring 2016 – present)
CRP 301 Planning Studio V (Fall 2018-present)
CRP 302 Planning Studio VI (Spring 2019-present)
CRP 136 Graphic Communication for Planners (Fall 2017 – present)
CRP 146 Introduction to Computers in Planning (Fall 2014 – present)
CRP 102 Planning Studio II (Spring 2015 – Spring 2018)
CRP 101 Planning Studio I (Fall 2014 – Fall 2017)
CRP 336 Drafting and Graphic Presentation in Planning and Design (Spring 2017)
University of Colorado Boulder, USA (2008 – 2012)
ENVD 3122 Research Issues and Methods in Design and Planning (Fall 20120, Instructor)
ENVD 3152 Geographic Information Systems for Planners (Fall 2012, Instructor)
ENVD 4300 Global Seminar: Urban Istanbul (Urban Design Studio in Istanbul, Turkey) (Summer 2012, Co-Instructor)
ENVD 2002 Design and Media (Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Graduate Part-time Studio Instructor)
ENVD 1004 Introduction to Environmental Design (Spring 2008, Graduate Part-time Studio Instructor)
University of Colorado Boulder/Denver, USA (2006 – 2012)
Assisted Courses
ENVD 4300 Urban Design Studio in Istanbul, Turkey (Fall 2011)
ENVD 3124 Issues in Planning and Planning History (Fall 2011)
ENVD 3001 Environment and Behavior (Spring 2009)
ENVD 2003 Ecology and Design (Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Spring 2012)
ENVD 2001 Human Behavior in Design and Planning (Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2011)
ENVD 1001 Introduction to Environmental Design (Fall 2006 to Spring 2008)
URP 6910 Planning Studio in Bodrum, Turkey (Summer 2008, Summer 2009)
URP 6631 Planning Studio II (Spring 2007, Fall 2008)
Refereed Journal Articles
Severcan, Y.C. (2020) Predictors of children’s satisfaction with mass housing. Children’s Geographies, 18(1), 16-29.
Severcan, Y.C. (2019) Residential relocation and children’s satisfaction with mass housing. METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 36(1), 61-84.
Severcan, Y.C.(2018) Changing places, changing childhoods: Regenerations and children’s use of place in Istanbul. Urban Studies, 55(10), 2179-2196.
Severcan, Y.C.(2015) The effects of children’s participation in planning and design activities on their place attachment. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 32(4), 271-293.
Severcan, Y.C.(2015) Çocukların gözünden çocuk dostu yer kavramı ve yaşanılan çevrenin değerlendirilmesi: İstanbul örneği (Children’s understanding of the concept of child-friendly places and their assessment of their living environments: The case of Istanbul). Idealkent, 17, 140-181.
Severcan, Y.C.(2015) Planning for the unexpected: Barriers to young people’s participation in planning in disadvantaged communities. International Planning Studies, 20(3), 251-269.
Severcan, Y.C.(2013) Endüstriyel mirasın korunması ve yeniden işlevlendirilmesine ilişkin özelleştirme yaklaşımları: Olanaklar ve sorunlar (Privatization approaches in industrial heritage conservation: Potentials and limitations). Planlama, 52(1-2),40-46.
Steinman, L., Doescher, M., Levinger, D., Perry, C., Carter, L., Eyler, A.A., Aytur, S., Cradock, A., Evenson, K.R., Heindrich, K., Kerr, J., Litt, J.,Severcan, Y., Troped, P., and Voorhees, C. (2010) Master plans for pedestrian and bicycle transportation: Community characteristics. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 7(1), 60-66.
Sancar, F.H. and Severcan Y.C.(2010) Children’s places: Rural-urban comparisons using participatory photography in the Bodrum Peninsula, Turkey. Journal of Urban Design, 15 (3), 293-324.
Severcan, Y.C.and Barlas A. (2007) Conservation of industrial remains as a source of individuation and socialization. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research,31(3), 675-682.
Book Chapters
Sancar, F. and Severcan, Y.C.(2010) In search of agency: Participation in a youth organization in Turkey. In B. Percy-Smith and N. Thomas (Eds.), A handbook of children’s participation: Perspectives from theory and practice (pp. 277-286). London: Routledge.
Saner, M. and Severcan, Y.C.(2009) Fabrikada zorunlu sorumlu olarak barınmak: Maltepe Elektrik ve Havagazı Fabrikası konutları (Living in an industrial landscape: Workers housing in Maltepe Gas and Electric Factory). In A. Cengizkan (Ed.), Fabrika’da barınmak. Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemi’nde Turkiye işçi konutları: Yaşam, mekan ve kent (Living in a factory. Workers housing in Early Republican Period in Turkey: Lifestyle, space and the city) (pp. 44-75). Ankara: Arkadaş.
Other Publications in Non-Refereed Journals/Books
Severcan, Y.C.(2018) Kent araştırmaları ve çocuk dostu şehir girişimlerinde çocuk katılımı (Children’s participation in urban planning research and child-friendly city initiatives) Beyond.Istanbul, Vol. 2, 27-32.
Severcan, Y.C.(2016) 2003-2004 Doha Corniche Urban Design Project. In O. Caliskan (Ed.), Catalogue.01 METU Master of Urban Design 1996-2006 (pp. 98-103). Ankara: METU Faculty of Architecture Press.
Refereed Conference Presentations with Published Abstracts
Aydın, N, and Severcan, Y.C. (September 2019) The relationship between built environment and childhood asthma. 18th World Clean Air Congress, İstanbul, Turkey.
Severcan, Y.C. (July 2019) Mass housing, relocation, and mothers’ and children’s residential satisfaction: Evidence form Ankara. AESOP 2019 Conference, Venice, Italy.
Severcan, Y.C.(October 2017) Children’s residential satisfaction in different mass housing estates in Ankara. 57thACSP Conference, Denver, CO, USA.
Severcan, Y.C.(November 2016) Understanding the impacts of urban regeneration on children’s use of place: Comparisons from rural and urban settings in Turkey. 8thChild in the City Conference, Ghent, Belgium.
Severcan, Y.C.(October 2016) Understanding the role of urban design in the place attachment of children. International Urban Design Symposium, Ankara, Turkey.
Severcan, Y.C.(July 2016) Disadvantaged women’s satisfaction with mass housing projects that are developed in the context of squatter housing regeneration: The case of Ankara, Turkey. 4thWorld Planning Schools Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Severcan, Y.C.and Barlas, A. (October 2015) Mass housing projects and disadvantaged children’s place use and preferences: The cases of Gultepe TOKI and Yatikmusluk TOKI in Ankara, Turkey. 29thAESOP Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.
Severcan, Y.C. (October 2014) Effects of urban regeneration on children’s place use and preferences: The Istanbul case. 54thACSP Conference, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Warner, M., Severcan, Y.C., Mullahey, R., and Block D. (July 2013) Child and Age Friendly Communities: Fostering Communities As If All People Mattered. Generations United 17thInternational Conference, Washington, DC, USA.
Severcan, Y.C. (October 2012)Effect of children’s involvement in place-making on their attachment to neighborhood. 53rdACSP Conference, Cincinnati, OH, USA.
Severcan, Y.C. (July 2012) Towards development and use of context-sensitive research methods for engaging children in planning and design. 26thAESOP Conference, Ankara, Turkey.
Severcan, Y.C. (October 2011)Planning for the unexpected: Barriers to young people’s participation in planning in disadvantaged communities. 52ndACSP Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, USA.
Research Grants
The Link Between Urban Form, Air Quality and Childhood Asthma. (40.800 €- Funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey [TUBITAK]). Principal Investigator, October 2020-Present)
An alternative Approach to Top-Down Urban Design Process: Participatory Design Simulation in 100. Yıl Neighborhood (Rethink 100. Yıl). (46.589 €- Funded by the European Union, Center for European Union Education and Youth Programmes, Erasmus + Structured Dialogue). Principal Investigator, 2016-2018.
Children’s and Women’s Residential Satisfaction in Mass Housing Projects that are Built in the Context of Squatter Housing Regeneration in Ankara. (5330 € - Funded by Middle East Technical University – ODTU BAP). Principal Investigator, 2015-2016.
Living in TOKI: Mass housing projects and low-income groups’ perception, assessment and use of public spaces (33.900 € - Funded by the Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey [TUBITAK]). Principal Investigator, 2014-2015.
Child-Friendly Istanbul is Expanding to Turkey (44.330 € - Funded by the European Union. Center for European Union Education and Youth Programmes, Youth in Action, Action 1.3—Youth Democracy Projects). Co-author, supervisor, 2012.
Child-Friendly Istanbul: Children and Youth Participation in Discovering, Communicating Children’s Geographies for Planning and Designing a Child Friendly City(150.000 € - Funded by the European Union. Civil Society Dialogue – Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture). Principal Investigator, 2010.
Children’s Istanbul Project (7800 € - Funded by the European Union. Center for European Union Education and Youth Programmes, Youth in Action, Action 1.2—Youth Initiatives). Principal Investigator, 2009.
Other Research Projects
Yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklari kullanılarak elektrik enerjisi üretimi: Bu konudaki yasal çerçevenin değerlendirilmesi ve Muğla İli’nde RES ve GES’lerin yer seçimine yönelik Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri uygulaması (The promotion of electricity from renewable energy sources: A review of laws and regulations and application of Geographic Information Systems for locating wind and solar energy sites in Mugla). METU MATPUM, 2015.
Boulder Housing Partners’ (BHP) Moving to Work Study. Children, Youth and Environments Center for Community Engagement, Boulder, CO, USA. 2013.
Service-Learning in Design and Planning. Children, Youth and Environments Center for Community Engagement, Boulder, CO, USA. 2012-2013.
Mapping Padres Members in Denver, CO (A project for Padres y Jovenes Unidos). Program in Educational Psychology and Learning Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder. 2013.
Effects of involving environmental design students on community engagement processes. Children, Youth and Environments Center for Community Engagement, Boulder, CO, USA. 2012.
Activity Master Plan (AMP) Study. Colorado Physical Activity Policy Research Network Collaborating Center, Denver, CO, USA. 2008.
Comparison of settlements with children’s place perception and access to nature, typology of children’s participation. Children, Youth and Environments Center for Community Engagement, Boulder, CO, USA. 2007.
Place of Children Project. Children, Youth and Environments Center for Community Engagement, Boulder, CO, USA. 2006-2007.